Invoicing - Enhancing Customer Engagement: Tracking Invoice Views with shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Enhancing Customer Engagement: Tracking Invoice Views with shopVOX Pro

In the dynamic world of business, efficient communication is key, especially when it comes to invoicing. With the all-new shopVOX Pro, users now have an advanced tool at their disposal to not only send invoices seamlessly but also gain insights into customer interactions. One standout feature is the ability to track whether customers have viewed their invoices. Let's delve into the steps to leverage this functionality effectively.

Tracking Invoice Views

  1. Invoice History Tab
    Once you've sent out a specific invoice, monitoring its status becomes a breeze. Open the invoice, and on the right-hand side, locate the "History" tab. If the customer has viewed the invoice, an entry confirming this action will be displayed. This real-time tracking ensures that you stay informed about customer engagement, allowing for proactive follow-ups or additional support as needed.
  2. Emailed Document Templates
    To gain a holistic view of all your communication efforts, navigate to "Transactions" and select "Emailed Document Templates." Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of all the emails sent from shopVOX. An intuitive feature has been incorporated - an eyeball icon placed beside the emails that customers have viewed. This provides a quick and easy way to identify which communications have successfully captured the attention of your clients.


  1. Timely Follow-ups:
    Armed with the knowledge of whether your customers have viewed their invoices, you can take proactive steps in following up. This ensures that potential issues or questions are addressed promptly, fostering better customer relationships.
  2. Improved Cash Flow Management
    The ability to track invoice views enhances your control over cash flow. By being aware of customer interactions, you can anticipate payment timelines more accurately and plan your financial strategy accordingly.
  3. Customer-Centric Approach
    Understanding customer behaviour is crucial for tailoring your communication strategies. By knowing when and how customers engage with their invoices, you can adapt your approach to better suit their preferences, creating a more personalized and customer-centric experience.

shopVOX Pro's innovative features empower businesses to not only streamline their invoicing processes but also to gain valuable insights into customer interactions. The ability to track invoice views in real-time is a game-changer, offering businesses a competitive edge in enhancing communication and building lasting customer relationships. Stay ahead in the world of invoicing with shopVOX Pro!

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