Product System Formula - with Filter

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

This article provides two practical examples of creating Boolean filters in a Product Template's Dropdown Menu or Default Item. It is not a step-by-step tutorial.We'll explore different scenarios of filtering prices in your orders. A solid understanding of shopVOX and product creation is assumed. Boolean filters enable you to determine whether the price of a specific material, machine, or labor rate will be included in the final price.

It's crucial to understand that Boolean filters specifically filter out the price; they do not affect the quantity calculation. This means you can still see what quantities of materials, machine time, or labor would be needed. When in use, the Boolean filter only excludes the price from the final calculation. If you're new to shopVOX and product building, please refer to this help menu for guidance before diving into Boolean filtering.
Since this is more of a use case explanation than a tutorial, I will simply explain the setup with the necessary context. Please follow the examples below.

Example 1: Filtering for White Ink

In this example, we will learn how to create a Boolean filter in a Product Template - Default item. This filter will determine if White Ink is included in the price based on the White_Ink checkbox being checked

  1. Create a Product with Modifiers Width and Height, and a Boolean for White_Ink
  2. Add a "Default Item" material which would be your white Ink
The Boolean modifier White_Ink can be attached to any Dropdown Menu or Default Item.
  1. Click on the Blue Edit Pencil for the White_Ink Material
  2. Select "White_Ink" from the "Attach to a Checkbox Modifier", select "Update Default Item"

Review the Results

  1. From your Product, select "Check Pricing", and the "Pricing Breakdown".
    You will see the the White_Ink Default item
  2. Fill in sizes into the Width and Height, check and uncheck the White_Ink Boolean checkbox

Example 2: Filtering Between Two Different Lamination's

In this example, we will learn how to create a Boolean filter in a Product Template - Default item. This filter will determine which laminate is included in the price based on the Width && Height being a certain size.

  1. Create a Product with Modifiers Width and Height
The modifiers Width and Height are variables that we can access from the Default Item's created.
  1. Add two Default Items, one for each laminate you wish to include. In this example, I am creating a 24" laminate and a 54" laminate to illustrate filtering capabilities

We will access the Width and Height variables from the Default Items
  1. Click on the Blue Edit Pencil for The 54" Material.
  2. In the Modifier Section - enable Custom, ensuring that your custom code goes into the filter box
(Width > 24 && Height >24)

Code Explanation: (Width > 24 && Height > 24)

This code snippet is a Boolean expression typically used within conditional statements to evaluate if two conditions are true simultaneously. Here’s a breakdown of the expression:

  1. Width > 24: This part of the expression checks if the value of Width is greater than 24. It returns true if Width is greater than 24 and false otherwise.
  2. Height > 24: This part of the expression checks if the value of Height is greater than 24. It returns true if Height is greater than 24 and false otherwise.
  3. && (Logical AND Operator): This operator ensures that both conditions on either side of it must be true for the entire expression to return true. If either condition is false, the whole expression returns false.

  1. Click on the Blue Edit Pencil for The 24" Material.
  2. In the Modifier Section - enable Custom, ensuring that your custom code goes into the filter box
(Width <= 24 || Height <=24)

Code Explanation: (Width <= 24 || Height <= 24)

This code snippet is a Boolean expression used to evaluate if at least one of two conditions is true. Here's a detailed breakdown of the expression:

  1. Width <= 24: This part of the expression checks if the value of Width is less than or equal to 24. It returns true if Width is 24 or less, and false otherwise.
  2. Height <= 24: This part of the expression checks if the value of Height is less than or equal to 24. It returns true if Height is 24 or less, and false otherwise.
  3. || (Logical OR Operator): This operator ensures that the entire expression returns true if at least one of the conditions on either side of it is true. If both conditions are false, the entire expression returns false.

Review the Results

  1. From your Product, select "Check Pricing", and the "Pricing Breakdown".
    You will see the the two Default items
  2. As you enter different sizes into the Width and Height fields, you will observe that only one material price is used at any given time, thanks to the filtering.

In summary, this article has demonstrated practical examples of using Boolean filters in shopVOX to manage pricing within Product Templates. By applying these filters, you can selectively include or exclude prices for specific materials, machines, or labor rates based on various conditions. It's important to remember that while Boolean filters affect the price, they do not alter the quantity calculations, allowing you to see the required quantities without influencing the final cost. Whether you are filtering for specific items like white ink or different laminations, these techniques provide flexibility and precision in your pricing strategies. If you're new to shopVOX, be sure to refer to the help menu for foundational guidance before implementing Boolean filters in your products.

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