Setting Up Minimum Order Amounts in shopVOX

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Unlock the Power of Flexible Minimums in shopVOX

In the dynamic world of printing and manufacturing, rigid constraints can stifle creativity and flexibility. At shopVOX, we understand the need for adaptability, which is why we don't confine you with a traditional "minimum order concept." Instead, we empower you to set minimums at the product level, providing you with a nuanced approach akin to establishing a minimum order dollar amount.

  1. Go to Settings, then Products
  2. Select any product. Go to "Configure Pricing" and scroll until you find "Minimums & Discounts"

Minimum Line Price: Elevating the Concept of Minimum Order Amount

For projects with small volumes or limited total areas, the Minimum Line Price feature comes into play. It acts as a guardian of your profit margins, ensuring that even the smallest jobs contribute meaningfully to your revenue.


- Product price is set at $6.

- Minimum Line Price is established at $50.

Scenario: A customer wishes to order 6 pieces. Calculating the total price conventionally (6 pieces * $6) results in $36. However, your Minimum Line Price safeguard kicks in, rounding up the Total Price to meet the established minimum of $50. This feature transforms small-scale projects into valuable contributors to your bottom line.

Minimum Unit Price: Tailoring Discounts for Optimal Margins

Imagine a scenario where you're utilizing various discounts in shopVOX for your diverse range of products. The Minimum Unit Price feature becomes your strategic ally in maintaining healthy profit margins, especially in high-volume projects. By setting a threshold, let's say $4, you ensure that individual unit prices never plummet below this mark, offering you a safeguard against drastic reductions.


- Product price is set at $6.

- Minimum Unit Price is established at $4.

- Apply a Volume Discount of 50% for quantities surpassing 100 pieces.

Result: With a quantity exceeding 100, the calculated Unit Price remains at $4 due to the protective Minimum Unit Price setting. Without this safeguard, the Unit Price would have dropped to $3, potentially impacting your profitability.

In shopVOX, flexibility isn't just a buzzword; it's a commitment to empowering your business with customizable solutions. Embrace the freedom to set minimums tailored to your unique needs, ensuring profitability and adaptability coexist seamlessly in your operations.

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