My Profile + SMTP Settings - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Click your profile on the top right corner to get started

  1. User Picture: Drag and drop a picture to use as an Avatar in the system
  2. User Info: Fill in your Name, Email, a Phone number
  3. Email Signature: Setup your own email signature here
  4. SMTP Settings: See the instructions below for setting up SMTP in your account.

SMTP Settings for Enhanced Email Communication

When utilizing shopVOX, the platform offers a built-in email server that facilitates direct email communication with your clients. This feature streamlines your workflow by consolidating all job- or order-related communication within the platform. When you send an email through shopVOX, your customers receive it with your name and email address appearing in the "From" fields. This ensures that the message appears directly from you, maintaining a professional image for your business.

However, shopVOX allows integration with external providers such as Gmail or Outlook if you prefer an alternative email service. You can seamlessly connect with your preferred email service by configuring the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) settings in your shopVOX account. Once the integration is set up, all emails sent through shopVOX will be routed through your external email provider, and the recipient will see the chosen email address in the "From" field. Whether you use the built-in email server or an external provider, shopVOX offers comprehensive tracking and easy access to all email communication, enabling you to maintain a complete record of customer interactions.

Please note: Sending emails from our email server may result in potential blocks or spam filtering. We highly recommend configuring your SMTP settings and sending all emails through your dedicated email server to mitigate this. This ensures optimal deliverability and reduces the likelihood of messages being marked as spam.

By implementing SMTP settings tailored to your preferences, you can enhance your email communication within shopVOX and effectively manage your business correspondence.

At the bottom of my profile, Click the + Add SMPT Settings

  1. SMTP Mail Server: Enter your SMTP Port and Mail Server
  2. SMTP Port: Enter your SMPT port
  3. Email Address: Enter your email address
  4. Your Password: Enter your password for your email address, do not use your shopVOX password
  5. Authentication: Type of authentication
  6. Enable TLS: Choose to enable TLS or not

Keep in mind that every user in your account needs to set up their own SMTP in their own profile when they are logged in.

You may need to reach out to your email provider to find out that provider's SMTP port. Before you do, take a look at the list below. We provided the SMTP information for a couple of common email servers to make this part easy.

SMTP Settings for Common Email Providers

Outlook 365


SMTP Port:587

Username: “your Outlook email address”

Password: “email password”

Authentication: select “Login” from drop down

Enable TLS:  Yes

Gmail or G Suite


SMTP Port:587

Username: “your gmail address”

Password: “email password”

Authentication: select “Password” from drop down

Enable TLS: Yes

With Gmail or GSuite - you might also need to provide additional info for Express to connect. 

Having trouble connecting?

If shopVOX can't connect - please change your security settings for Less Secure Apps at the link below .

If you have 2-step-verification ON, you need to generate an App Specific Password for external applications like shopVOX.

Please follow the steps from the following articles:

  1. Connect to your Google account. Click on the top right corner and click "My account".
  2. Click Security and App passwords
  3. Enter the password of your Gmail account > continue.
  4. Click Select app > select "Other (Custom name) > enter shopVOX and click > GENERATE
  5. After you have followed the steps in the above article, Copy the GENERATED password
  6. In shopVOX PRO- Profile Settings: Edit or Create SMTP setting and in the password field as shown in the screenshot above, paste the generated password.

Help! My Email Provider is Not Listed Here

Don't see the settings for your email host listed?

Not a problem.

  1. Visit their website or documentation
  2. Search for SMTP Settings

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