What is JSON?

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, serves as a pivotal data format for facilitating information exchange via API.

In more accessible terms, JSON provides a straightforward and easily readable format for the seamless transfer of data between different applications. To illustrate, consider the analogy of attempting to place an order with a waiter who only speaks French while you have minimal knowledge of the language. JSON acts as a universal language, ensuring smooth communication by offering a standardized format for data exchange.

The significance of JSON lies in its role as a standard format employed by APIs, ensuring consistency and predictability in the exchange of information. This standardization is akin to providing a shared language, allowing applications to understand and interpret data accurately.

What does JSON data look like?

Here's an example of a contact record formatted in JSON:

Sample Contact Record

  full_name: "Rao Meka",
  email: "rao@shopvox.com",
  title: "Founder",
  phone: "1-855-GETVOX9"

JSON data is organized into Key/Value pairs. The Key signifies the type of data being stored, while the Value represents the actual data. The Key and the Value are connected by a colon, and non-numeric data is typically enclosed in quotation marks. A JSON object, which represents a single record of data, is enclosed within curly brackets {}.

Understanding JSON is crucial as it forms the backbone of a standardized and universally accepted method for applications to communicate and exchange data seamlessly.

What's next?

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