Undertanding Sell/Buy Ratio - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Sell/Buy Ratio represents the total units available for sale from a product or inventory that has been acquired through purchase. It is based on how you are selling the materials. In certain scenarios, you might prefer selling items individually, while in others, selling per unit may be more suitable. Understanding the Sell/Buy Ratio becomes straightforward after examining a few examples. Let's begin by explaining the Sell/Buy ratio through some basic examples in the table below.

Buying Units

Selling Units

Sell/Buy Ratio

One roll of material

Square feet

The Total Square feet of the Roll

One skid of roll material


The total value of a single roll

One sheet of material


The total height of sheet in feet

One skid of sheet stock


The single value of one sheet

One case of Grommets top's and bottom's


The single value for one set of grommets

One box of nuts and one box of bolts


The single value for one set of bolts

One roll of Velcro


The total width of the roll in inches or feet

One roll of tape


The total width of the roll in inches or feet

100 Litres of paint


The total millimetres of paint on 100 Litres

One Pallet of hanging kits


The single value for one kit

Lets examine the scenarios

We'll review the examples provided in the chart above to offer practical references for understanding how to utilize the Sell/Buy Ratio.

It's crucial to recognize that the configuration of your Materials Sell/Buy ratio directly impacts how you set up your Formulas when creating Products that utilize these materials. For instance, selling by the square foot necessitates a formula yielding a square foot result, while selling by the sheet calls for a formula calculating by the sheet.

Buying one roll of material - Selling by the square foot

  1. You purchased one roll of material 54"w x 1800"h
  2. Your selling it by the square foot
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is the 675 square feet
  4. The Formula used for total square feet was (Width" * Height") / 144

Buying one palette of roll material - Selling by the roll

  1. You purchased one skid of 25 rolls of material 54"w x 1800"h
  2. Your selling it by the single roll
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is 1 roll
  4. No Formula needed, as you are selling by the roll

Buying one sheet of material - Selling by the foot

  1. You purchased one sheet of material 54"w x 120"h
  2. Your selling it by the foot
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is the 10 feet
  4. The Formula used for total square feet was (Height"/12)

Buying one skid of sheet stock - Selling by the sheet

  1. You purchased one skid of 100 sheets of material 48"w x 96"h
  2. Your selling it by the single sheet
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is 1 sheet
  4. No Formula needed, as you are selling by the sheet

Buying one case of grommets - Selling by the unit

  1. You purchased one case of 500 grommets tops + Bottoms
  2. Your selling it by the Unit. In the case one unit is a top + bottom grommet combined
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is 1 Unit
  4. No Formula needed, as you are selling by a single value

Buying one box of nuts + one box of bolts - Selling by the set

  1. You purchased one box of 1000 nuts, and one box of 1000 bolts
  2. Your selling it by the Set. In the case one nut, and one bolt are combined together
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is 1 set
  4. No Formula needed, as you are selling by a single value

Buying one roll of Velcro - Selling by the Inch

  1. You purchased one roll of Velcro 1"w x 1800"h
  2. Your selling it by the inch
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is the 1800" inches
  4. The Formula used for total square feet was the Height of the roll in inches

Buying one roll of Velcro - Selling by the foot

  1. You purchased one roll of Velcro 1"w x 1800"h
  2. Your selling it by the foot
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is the 150' feet
  4. The Formula used for roll length in feet (Height"/12)

Buying one roll of Tape- Selling by the Inch

  1. You purchased one roll of tape 1"w x 3600"h
  2. Your selling it by the inch
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is the 3600" inches
  4. The Formula used for roll length in inches (Height")

Buying one roll of Tape - Selling by the foot

  1. You purchased one roll of tape 1"w x 3600"h
  2. Your selling it by the foot
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is the 300' feet
  4. The Formula used for roll length in feet (Height"/12)

Buying one 100 Litres of paint - Selling by millilitre

  1. You purchased 100 litres of paint
  2. Your selling it by the millimetre
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is the 100,000 ml
  4. The Formula used for total square feet was ( 100 liters * 1000 milliliters/liter = 100,000 milliliters)

Buying one palette of hanging kits - Selling by the kit

  1. You purchased one box a palette of 100 hanging kits
  2. Your selling it by the kit.
  3. The Sell/Buy Ratio is 1 unit
  4. No Formula needed, as you are selling by a single value

In essence, the Sell/Buy Ratio serves as a foundational tool for understanding the dynamics of sales and inventory management. By delineating the total units available for sale in relation to the purchased inventory, businesses can make informed decisions about their sales strategies and inventory levels. This article has provided a comprehensive overview of the Sell/Buy Ratio, explaining its significance and practical applications through a series of illustrative examples. From selling by square foot to selling by kit, each scenario demonstrates how the Sell/Buy Ratio guides formula setups and sales approaches, ultimately optimizing business operations and profitability. Through a thorough understanding of the Sell/Buy Ratio, businesses can enhance their inventory management practices and drive success in the competitive marketplace.

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