Product Templates - Using System Formulas - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Before proceeding with this article, please read "How to Turn on a Product Template" and "Interface and Formulas Explained"

This article will demonstrate how to use a Built-In System Formula for Area and then show you how to add a double-sided option

You will learn how to:

  • Calculate Area in square feet using a System-Formula
  • Add a Double-Sided option

  1. Go to Settings > Product >+ Add New Product > Create Custom Product and fill in the details for your custom product.

For this example, fill in as you see in the image.

  • Product Name: Product Templates - Using System Formulas
  • Interface: Custom
  • Type: Signs
  • Category: Banners
  • Income Account: Your income account
  • COG Account: Your COGS ( Cost of Goods ) account
  • ...Save Product

  1. Edit your product, in "Configure Pricing" select "Pricing Type: Formula" and in "Formula: Area"
  1. Now turn on the "Add Product Template" check box.

Once that is checked, we will focus on the Product Template that appears at the bottom of the screen. Scroll to the bottom, and let's edit

  1. Choose "Standard" for your Pricing Method.

  1. Click Dropdown, and select "+ Add New "

Fill in the details as seen in this image

  • Menu Name: Test Banner Material
  • Item: Material
  • Item Type: Roll Materials
  • Item Category: Banner
  • Item Kind: Company Items

Click "Add New Dropdown Menu"

You are setting up a Dropdown menu called "Test Banner Material" that will be accessible from a Quote or Sales order when this product is selected.

You will see your new Dropdown menu in the Dropdown menus list.

Now that the product has been set up, let's see how it looks in action.

  1. Scroll to the top of the product screen, and select "Check Pricing"

  1. Fill in some details to test the functionality of the product.
  • Product: Product Templates - Using System Formulas
  • Modifiers: Width = 12, Height = 12, Notice how the Total Area of 1 sqft is shown for you
  • Dropdown Menus: Ultraflex 11oz True Canvas - Single Sided
  1. Now Select the Pricing breakdown

Notice how the System Formula chosen for Area is working with the dropdown menu for Banner material, producing a value of one square foot, and generating a price base on the materials specifications.

In this example, there was no formula writing required from the user. You can go ahead and test adding in another dropdown menu, and it will also work with the System Formula we selected.

Using built-in System Formulas simplifies the product creation process. There are many ways you can use system formulas to calculate the price you require for any product.

How to add Double Sided to your Product

You can add functionality to a system formula. Let's expand on this example and add a Double-Sided check box. The check box will allow us to charge for printing both sides of the material.

Product Templates - Using System Formulas - Adding a Double side check box.

How did we do?

Product Templates & Formulas Explained - shopVOX Pro

Product Templates - Using System Formulas - Adding a Double Sided check box - shopVOX Pro
