How to Publish Products in shopVOX

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

In shopVOX, products in development or testing are categorized as "Drafts." These draft products will not appear in transactions when adding line items, ensuring they aren't prematurely used. Once your product is complete and ready for use, you need to publish it.

All new Products you make will automatically be in "Draft" mode. To see this in action

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select "Products" from the left hand side
  3. Click "+Add New Product"
  4. Select "Create a Custom Product"
  5. Fill in your details, I am using example data, feel free to use your own.
  6. Click "Save Product"
  7. You will see the "Draft" tag below the Products name

Identifying and Publishing Your Product

To determine if your product is in "Draft" mode, look for the "Draft" tag beneath the title.

When you're ready to make your product available for use in Quotes, Sales Orders, or Invoices, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Action Menu: Navigate to the blue action button.
  2. Select "Publish Product" : Click on this option to publish your product.

Convert to Draft

If you need to revert your product back to draft mode, you can unpublish it by following these steps:

  1. Access the Action Menu: Navigate to the blue action button.
  2. Select "Convert to Draft": Click on this option to unpublish your product and return it to draft status.

Benefits of Publishing

Publishing products ensures that only finalized items are available for transactions, maintaining the integrity of your sales process. This workflow allows for thorough testing and adjustments before products are used in real-world scenarios, enhancing overall product quality and customer satisfaction.

By following these simple steps, you can efficiently manage your product lifecycle in shopVOX, from initial development to final deployment, ensuring your products are always ready for your business needs.

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