@mail feature

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Streamline Email Management with shopVOX Integration

Effortlessly enhance your workflow by seamlessly integrating your email accounts with shopVOX PRO. This integration empowers you to conveniently access your Gmail, GSuite, or Outlook 365 email accounts directly within the shopVOX PRO application, facilitating efficient email communication.

Our recent certification with Nylas Universal Email signifies a commitment to providing you with a secure and reliable connection to your inboxes. Through the Nylas Universal Email API, enjoy real-time, bi-directional email synchronization, and comprehensive CRUD (create, read, update, delete) capabilities within a single integration. This certification extends your access to Gmail and Outlook.com email accounts.

Experience enhanced productivity with features that save you valuable time:

  • Attach shopVOX assets to emails: Streamline communication by effortlessly incorporating shopVOX assets into your email correspondence.
  • Utilize email templates: Eliminate redundancy by avoiding the need to retype repetitive messages; utilize email templates seamlessly.
  • Link email threads to transactions and more: Improve organization and collaboration by easily linking email threads to relevant transactions within shopVOX.

How to Enable the Integration:

To benefit from this integration and elevate your shopVOX PRO experience, simply contact billing@shopvox.com. Provide the names of the users you intend to add, and our team will guide you through the process. Elevate your communication efficiency with shopVOX integration.

Enabling @Mail

  1. Initiate the process by reaching out to our Billing department. Once contacted, we will promptly activate the @Mail feature for your account.
  2. Provide our Billing team with a list of users you wish to add to this feature. This ensures a tailored experience for those utilizing this functionality.
  3. Our dedicated team will efficiently add the specified users and notify you once the feature is ready for access.
  4. For any future users, a simple email to our Billing department is all it takes to have them seamlessly integrated into the @Mail feature.

Connecting to your Email provider

  1. Click on the @Mail feature, then on "Connect your Email"
  2. Enter in your email address
  3. Select your provider, and go through the verification process
  4. After these steps have been completed successfully you will have a connection to your Email, from within shopVOX

@Mail Icon and Interface Tour

Below is the window, you should see once successfully connecting to your email provider.

  1. Starred - Any emails that have been "starred"
  2. Inbox - Inbox showing all incoming mail
  3. Search - ability to search your emails
  4. All - Mail showing all available mail
  5. Important - Any emails marked as important by your mail system
  6. Sent - All sent emails
  7. Spam - any spam emails
  8. Trash Can - For all deleted emails
  9. Settings - Currently with the setting to disconnect from your email provider

Disconnecting from your email client

Click on settings and disconnect, to remove the connection to your email provider

Effortless Email Integration with Transactions, Customers, and Jobs

Linking an Email to a Transaction, Customer, or Job

For comprehensive documentation and easy retrieval, emails can be seamlessly attached to specific Transactions, Customers, or Jobs within our system. Simply click the "Link" button located in the upper right corner to associate the email message with the desired record.


  1. Click Link Button: Locate and click the "Link" button situated in the upper right corner of the email you are reading.
  2. Select Record: Choose the relevant Transaction, Customer, or Job to which you want to link the email. This establishes a direct connection between the email and the selected record.

Once successfully linked, the email will be prominently displayed in the Notes section of the associated Transaction, Customer, or Job.

This streamlined process enhances organization and accessibility, ensuring that crucial communication is easily traceable within your Transactions, Customers, and Jobs. Optimize your workflow with our user-friendly email linking feature.

Efficient Contact Management: Adding Contacts from Emails

When you receive an email from a contact not yet present in shopVOX, seamlessly add them to your contacts list with our user-friendly feature.


  1. Identify Contact: Open the email and locate the contact's name. To the left of the contact's name, click the green "+" button (refer to the image below).
  1. New Contact Page: You will be directed to the New Contact page. Enter the customer's name with whom the contact should be associated. Choose the name from the drop-down list, input the contact's relevant information, and click "Save."


Does this work with my provider?

Our integrated mail feature currently supports Gmail, GSuite, or Office 365. For other providers, learn with your SMTP settings.

If I delete a message from my Inbox in shopVOX, will it delete the message from my Gmail, GSuite, or Outlook 365 email?

No. The Integrated Mail feature, at present, functions as an interface for receiving, replying, and reviewing emails within your shopVOX account. Deleting an email in shopVOX does not affect the data on your email server. Future updates may include synchronization capabilities.

Streamline your contact management with shopVOX for a more organized and efficient workflow.

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