Adding Your Own Products - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Are you looking to add custom products to your shopVOX account? It's easy! In fact, there are two ways to create custom products to fit your unique needs.

The first way is to create a custom product in your account. This allows your entire team to use the product and ensures consistent pricing. To create a custom product, simply go to the Products module and click the "New Product" button. From there, you can input all the necessary details such as the product name, description, pricing, and more.

The second way to add custom products is by creating them on the fly as a custom line item. This method is perfect for one-off products that are not likely to be used again. To do this, simply go to the transaction you are working on and add a new line item. From there, you can input all the necessary details for the custom product such as the name, description, and price.

With shopVOX, you have the flexibility to create custom products that fit your specific needs, whether it's for a one-time job or a consistent product offering.

Creating Custom Products

Let's talk about creating custom products first. These will be stored as part of your products list that can be used over and over again in the system. Creating custom products is very simple.

  1. On the Products page, click on the Add New Product button and then click the Create Custom Product link.
  1. Fill in the Name, Description, Cost, Markup and Price and Save the Product. Now, it will be ready for your team to start using.

Adding a Custom Line Item

The second way to add products is to create them on the fly directly to a transaction. Let's say your customer orders a custom product that doesn't exist in your standard list of products. Here is how you would do this.

NOTE: This will not be added to your list of products permanently. It will be a one-time product that exists only on this transaction. If you will be selling these over and over again, follow the above steps to add them to your database.

  1. On the Quote or Order, click the Add New Item button.

NOTE: For more information on creating an order, you can read - A Guide to Creating Your First Order

  1. Click the Make a Custom Line Item button
  2. Add the name of the product and enter a description if you like. The Add More Details button is for internal notes for your team.

  1. Click on the blue expand icon (shown above) and enter the cost and price for the item. You can also choose if the item is taxable or non-taxable. Lastly, you need to select the Income account and COG account.

It is recommended to add your products as explained in the first section of this article, so you will have access to that same product list all of the time and create consistent pricing. If you are finding you have to create on-the-fly products on a transaction over and over again, save yourself some time and add it to your products list.

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How to Publish Products in shopVOX
