Products shopVOX Golden Products

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

shopVOX Golden Products: Simplifying Your Business

At shopVOX, we are excited to offer our customers a suite of products called Golden Products, specifically designed to streamline your operations from the moment you start. These exceptional products are available to both shopVOX Express and Pro customers. A Golden Product encompasses all the essential pricing attributes required for a specific product, including Material, Labor, and Machine Rates. By accessing our comprehensive database, you can effortlessly duplicate a Golden Product and configure it in just a few simple steps. If you are a shopVOX Pro customer, you have the added advantage of being able to duplicate a Golden Product, examine its details, and customize it to suit your preferences. 

Golden Products serve as an invaluable resource for those looking to hit the ground running with shopVOX while also serving as a valuable educational tool for individuals aiming to create their own unique products. Experience the convenience and efficiency of shopVOX Golden Products as you embark on your business journey.

How to access and configure Golden Products

  1. Go to Settings, Products ( or Product List in Pro ), and then click +Add New Product
  2. From the Add New Product screen, you can see the Golden Product Types on the left.
  3. Click on the blue arrows beside Signage, Apparel, or Commercial Printing to reveal the products available. For this example, let's select Signage, choose Banner product, then click Add 1 Product.
    Note: You can add more than one Product at a time by selecting multiple products and clicking the green Add Products button. Start with one first to understand how it works.
  4. From your product list, you will find the Banner product simply by typing the name into the search box and clicking on it to edit.
    Note: You can tell you are working with a Golden Product in two ways. There is a version number in parentheses (V2) and an "!" exclamation mark beside it. Notice when you hover over the "!" exclamation mark, a pop-up appears telling you that it is a golden product.
  5. From the Edit Product Screen, you will see the available options for this product. You can select which materials you want to use and can also configure some default items.
  6. In the Configure Pricing tab, let's add in some Banner materials and then go to the Check Pricing tab to see that your selected materials are now available in the Banner Material drop-down list.

  1. From the Check Pricing screen, you can go back to Configure Pricing to make additional edits
    Notice the messaging at the bottom here. It says, "Not the Price you Expected?". You select Configure Pricing to make adjustments at any time to the available settings within the Product.
  2. Let's go back to Configure Pricing to adjust a materials price by simply clicking the edit pencil to the right of any material.
  3. You can adjust the Cost, Markup, and Price. From the edit screen, you can modify all of the Materials settings.
    Be Aware !! Changes you make here are global to your entire system. Modifying a Material, Machine, or Labor rate from the "Configure Pricing" screen will affect any other Product that has those elements in use.
  4. You can edit the Default items in the same way. Click on the edit Pencil and make adjustments to your pricing as needed. Keeping in mind that changes made here affect the system globally. Once you're done with the adjustments, click "Check Pricing" to test out the product.
  5. You can go back and forth between Configure Pricing and Check Pricing to make adjustments until the Product prices out to your expectations.
  6. Click Pricing Breakdown to expose all of the Costs, Markups, and Prices of the Product.
  7. The Pricing Breakdown provides all the details for you to see what is creating the final price and where you may want to go back and make adjustments.
    The Golden Products are prepared for you to get up and running as quickly as possible. The simplified approach of making pricing adjustments to the settings allows for easy configuration.
  8. For those PRO users who want to get more hands-on and would like to learn how a Golden Product works from the inside out, or if you're fairly tech savvy and want to edit the Golden Product's formulas and even add your own formulas, you can do so by making a copy of of the Golden Product. Your new copy of the Golden Product will allow you to access the backend Pricing Template, and you'll have a lot more flexibility with adding formulas, adding modifiers, and adjusting how the product functions.
  9. Copying a Golden Product makes it your own and allows you to examine and modify all the Product settings, including the Product Template.
  10. To further your understanding of Products and Product Templates, please refer to the following articles:
    What are Products?
    Adding Your Own Products
    Product Templates & Formulas Explained
    Product Templates - How to Turn on a Product Template

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