Adding Vendors - shopVOX Express

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Do you need to add a Vendor/ Supplier to your shopVOX account? It's super easy and makes sending Purchase Orders a breeze.

Where do I go to add vendors?

  1. Head over to the top right hand screen and click Settings
  2. On the Left hand side you will see Vendors - click the link
  3. At the top Add a Vendor
  1. You can then fill out all the Vendor/ Supplier info such as:

Name: The Company Name

Legal Name: Your Vendor might have a different legal name (this is not a required field)

Primary Contact: This is your contact persons details for the Vendor. The sales rep or account manager you are likely to deal with.

Details: Here you can add important info such as your trading/ payment terms that you have with your vendor as well as any online username and passwords you want to store for them

Notes: Let your team know any important information about your vendor such as how they prefer to be contacted, how long deliveries take or some top tips on things to remember when purchasing from them.

  1. Once you're done- Always remember to save so all your information is safely stored.

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