How an API Works: A Simple Explanation - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Imagine an API as a waiter at a restaurant. The waiter is your point of contact with the kitchen, just as an API is your link to an application. You tell the waiter what you want, they pass your request to the kitchen, and then bring back the food. Similarly, you make a request to an API, which communicates with the application and returns the information or service you asked for.

However, the waiter (API) can only provide what the kitchen (application) offers. If you ask for something that's not on the menu, like tacos at an Italian restaurant, the waiter can't fulfill your request. Similarly, an API can only give you data or perform actions that it is programmed to handle.

Different Types of API Requests

When you interact with an API, you send different types of "Requests" to get what you need. These requests are known as "Methods."

  1. GET: Retrieve existing data.
    • Example: Asking, "What ingredients are in the burger?" You want to see the details of an existing item.
  2. POST: Create new data.
    • Example: Saying, "I’d like to place a new order for a burger." You are adding a new item to the system.
  3. PUT: Update existing data.
    • Example: Requesting, "I’d like to add pickles to my existing burger order." You are modifying an existing item.

These methods allow you to communicate specific actions to the API, much like how you would tell a waiter exactly what you want them to do.


An API functions like a restaurant waiter, acting as a go-between for you and the application. You make requests through the API, and it delivers responses based on what the application can provide. Understanding the different types of API requests—GET, POST, and PUT—helps you interact with APIs effectively and leverage their full potential.

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What is an API? - shopVOX Pro

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