Reports - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

To access Reports, on the top navigation bar from the Home Tab select "Dashboards"

Then select "My Vox"

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen, and you will find the Reports section

You can see all the available reports by selecting "Show All Reports"

Show All Reports

Reports: Quotes

Reports: Sales Orders

Reports: Invoices

Reports: Purchase Orders

Reports: Payments

Reports: Jobs

Reports: Transactions

Reports: Products

Reports: Customers

Reports: Shipments

Choose any reports, and fill in the criteria. Let's see the "Inactive" customer reports as an example

Example: "Inactive" customer report, select Inactive Customers

On the Inactive Customers Report screen, you have three options

  1. Inactive Since
  2. Status
  3. Run Report

Clicking "Inactive Since" will bring up a calendar

Choose the Year/Month/Day, that you would like to base your search on.

Next: Clicking "Status", will bring a drop-down menu


  1. Closeable
  2. Lead
  3. Prospect
  4. Sold

After you've made your selection choose "Run Report"

Now the report will be generated for you to review

How did we do?

Sales Order States - shopVOX Pro

Understanding Quote Statuses in shopVOX - shopVOX Pro
