Integrated SAGE Promo ( promotional catalog ) - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

For companies engaged in the sale of promotional items, we offer a valuable bonus in the form of a seamless integration with SAGE Promotional Products. This article aims to outlines the process of incorporating this integration into your account, facilitating the direct exploration of available products within the context of generating quotes.

Initiating this integration requires an initial visit to your account on the SAGE website. The subsequent sections will guide you through the steps to ensure a smooth and efficient integration, empowering your business with direct access to a comprehensive range of promotional products when generating quotes.

Linking your account

To leverage the enhanced functionalities of the new SAGE integration, ensure you follow these sequential steps:

  1. Log onto Your SAGE Account: Access your SAGE account by visiting the website.
  2. Navigate to Developer APIs: In the left menu, locate and select the "Developer APIs" link, then proceed to "SAGE Connect."
  3. Configuration Tab: Within the SAGE Connect section, go to the "Configuration" tab. Verify that all necessary information is accurately entered. In the "Partner Name" field, choose "Shopvox." Save any changes made.
  4. Services Tab: Navigate to the "Services" tab and ensure that all relevant items are enabled. As of today, there are a total of 9 items to enable. Activate these services to facilitate seamless integration.
  5. Proceed to the "Users" tab within the SAGE Connect interface and locate the "Authentication Key" adjacent to your Login ID. In the event that a key is not present, initiate its creation by clicking the "Create" button.
To seamlessly integrate with shopVOX, ensure you gather both the Login ID and Authentication Key. Additionally, take note of your Account Number, prominently displayed at the top right of the page. This combination of information is vital for configuring shopVOX and establishing a secure and efficient connection with the SAGE integration.

See [ Video Link ] "SAGE Connect API Settings" for video instructions.

Connecting SAGE Promo to shopVOX

With your Sage credentials, including the Login ID, Authentication Key, and account number, securely configured, you are now prepared to establish the connection between SAGE and shopVOX. Follow these final steps to ensure a successful integration:

  1. Navigate to Settings, "Catalogs"
  2. Select "SAGE"
  3. Enter your SAGE account credentials
    1. Your SAGE Account #
    2. Your SAGE Login
    3. Your SAGE Authentication Token
    4. Once completed, Click the "Connect Catalog" button
  4. You will now be able to use this catalog in conjunction with the Promotional Product

Adding the Promotional Product to your Products list

If you haven't loaded the promotional product to your account. Go ahead and do that now.

  1. Go to Settings > Products > Click Add New Products button
  2. From this list click the Apparel section and select the promotional product
  3. This product will now be available to use on a transaction

How to use this catalog

Ok! Now we are ready to use this integration on a Quote or Order.

Let's review how this is done.

  1. Create or Open a quote
  2. Add a line item and select the Promotional Product
  3. On the interface, you have 2 options. Use the Custom Product (if using another source). Use the SAGE option and start searching for items
  4. There is a regular search option and an Advanced Search
  5. The regular search allows you to choose a category and then type in a keyword. This is valuable if you are looking for ideas.
  6. When you find what you are looking for click the Select This item button
  7. For the Advanced search, you can enter an Item # or choose one of the options to see Fresh ideas, New Products, etc.
  8. Once a product is selected, enter the quantity and color. Additional quantities and colors can be added using the Add variant option.
  9. Make sure you fill in the Imprint details and any markups to Setup charges that might be applicable.
  10. As always, there is an option to review the Pricing Breakdown on the line item you have entered

Congratulations! You have created your first Promotional product using the SAGE integration. We hope this integration saves you time when creating quotes for promo items you might sell.

If you have any feedback or questions, please use our chat support option or email us at

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