Merge Customers - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

This article explains the merge feature allowing you to merge duplicate customers into a single customer record.

  1. Select Customers from the top toolbar

  1. Select a customer in the list provided, or use the search box

  1. The customer screen will appear, select More Actions

  1. From the More Actions dropdown select "Merge Customers"

  1. The Merge Customer dialogue box will appear. Select the company you want to Merge, and select Merge Company
Once you merge a Customer with another, then all the objects like transactions, jobs, addresses, and others associated with the company will be transferred to the selected customer

Once you merge a Customer with another, then all the objects like transactions, jobs, addresses, and others associated with the company will be transferred to the selected customer

  1. A few seconds after you select Merge Company a green alert will appear at the top of your screen

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