Automation - Scheduled Actions

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Scheduled actions refer to pre-established tasks and events programmed to take place at specified times or intervals in the future. These actions are contingent upon the Next Contact Date and are designed to automatically dispatch emails according to a predefined set of user-configured parameters.

Turn on Next Contact Date

The Next Contact Date, is what triggers any scheduled action. Before setting an action, ensure that all forms have the Next Contact Date field turned on. Go to settings, forms, and turn on for Quotes, Sales Order, Invoices

Lets set up a Scheduled Action to be automated once a month...

  1. Got to setting, Automation's to see the scheduled Actions
  2. Click + Add New Scheduled Action
  3. This is the New Scheduled Action Screen
  4. Fill in the Top portion with a Name and Description
  5. Setup up "When to Trigger" Date, "Repeat" frequency. The frequency will be Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Never.
Scheduled Actions are triggered based on Next Contact Date. Ensure the Next Contact Date is on on all your forms. See above for clarification
  1. Choose the Action, Transaction Type, Template, and Type our a Subject Matter. Then click "Create Scheduled Action"

You can expect to see the system send out emails, based on your criteria following the prescribed schedule. Scheduled Actions are very useful. Give them a try, and see how they can help you today!

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