Divisions: Unlock the Power of Organization with shopVOX Divisions Add-On

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

In the ever-evolving landscape of business management, keeping your operations streamlined and efficient is paramount. Enter the shopVOX Divisions Add-On, an innovative tool designed to elevate your organizational capabilities and enhance workflow precision. Whether you’re managing multiple locations, different departments, or various project types, the Divisions Add-On provides a seamless solution to segment and optimize your business processes.

What is the Divisions Add-On?

The Divisions Add-On is a versatile feature within shopVOX that allows you to create distinct divisions within your account. These divisions can represent various branches of your business, different departments, or any other segmentation that aligns with your operational structure. By compartmentalizing your business activities, you gain greater control, enhanced reporting capabilities, and improved workflow management.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Customizable Divisions:
    • Tailored Segmentation: Create divisions that mirror your business structure, whether by location, department, or project type.
    • Distinct Settings: Customize settings for each division to meet specific needs, including pricing, tax rates, and user permissions.
  2. Improved Workflow Management:
    • Streamlined Operations: Assign tasks, projects, and resources to specific divisions to maintain a clear and organized workflow.
    • Efficient Resource Allocation: Allocate resources such as staff, equipment, and materials to the appropriate division, ensuring optimal use and reducing waste.
  3. Scalability:
    • Adaptable Growth: Easily scale your business by adding new divisions as your company expands, ensuring that your organizational structure evolves with your needs.
    • Flexible Integration: Integrate seamlessly with other shopVOX features to create a cohesive and comprehensive business management solution.

Understanding the Limitations of the Divisions Add-On

Unified Accounting with Divisions Add-On

The Divisions Add-On does not support maintaining separate sets of accounting books for each division, company, or brand. If your business requires individual accounting records for each segment, this add-on may not meet your needs. You can only link one QuickBooks or Xero account to a single shopVOX account. To manage separate accounting files, you will need to create individual shopVOX accounts for each division. For more information, please contact our support team.

Irreversible Activation

Before activating the Divisions Add-On, ensure it is the right fit for your business needs. Once you activate the Divisions feature, it is not possible to revert to a non-division account. This is due to the changes made in the database to accommodate divisions, which cannot be undone. Therefore, careful consideration is necessary before proceeding with this add-on.

For further assistance or detailed information, please reach out to our support team.

Pricing for the Divisions Add-On

The Divisions Add-On allows you to create distinct divisions within your shopVOX account, effectively treating each division as a separate instance of shopVOX. This ensures all your operations are centralized in one place without the need to switch between multiple accounts.

Each division is priced similarly to having an additional Pro account, but with the convenience of centralized management. For detailed pricing information, please visit shopvox.com/pricing.

Here's a simplified breakdown:

  1. Each division is priced at a standard rate.
  2. Users who are part of multiple divisions receive a discounted rate for additional divisions.

For example:

  1. If you have a Pro account with 3 users (Division A), your monthly total is calculated based on the standard rate.
  2. When you add a new division (Division B) with one new user and one existing user, the pricing adjusts to include the new division and the discounted rate for the user in both divisions.

This approach allows you to scale your business efficiently while keeping all your operations under one cohesive system. For specific pricing details and calculations, please refer to shopvox.com/pricing.

How to Get Started

Getting started with the Divisions Add-On is straightforward. Simply reach out to billing@shopvox.com to activate the Divisions Add-On in your account. Once activated, navigate to the Divisions section in your settings.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. From the left side select "Divisions"
  3. Click "+Add New Division"
  4. Fill in the Business Name, Description and logo
  5. Enter the business address
  6. Enter Contact and Business Information
  7. You can customize the Terms and Conditions for Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, and Purchase Orders specific to each Division. Additionally, you can set a custom standard Signature for emails.
  8. View the users in the Division at the bottom of the screen
  9. You add users to the Division by clicking "+Add User to Division", and assign a unique email address
  10. Configure Job Board Views by Division. There are various ways to set up these views. You can name them by individual Division or combine multiple divisions into a single view.
  11. When creating Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices, you will have the option to select the desired Division.
  12. When downloading or emailing Quotes, Sales Orders, or Invoices, they will be branded with the specific Division's branding.
  13. Creating Copies of a Quote, Sales Order or Invoice allow you to pick what Division
  14. Transaction screens such as Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices, can be configured to show the Division

The shopVOX Divisions Add-On is a powerful tool designed to enhance your business management by allowing precise segmentation and streamlined workflows. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses managing multiple locations, departments, or project types, providing greater control and improved reporting capabilities. By customizing divisions to align with your operational structure, you can ensure efficient resource allocation and scalable growth.

However, it's essential to consider the limitations, such as the inability to maintain separate accounting books for each division and the irreversible nature of activating the Divisions feature. These factors necessitate careful evaluation to ensure the add-on aligns with your business needs.

The pricing model of the Divisions Add-On is designed to offer flexibility and convenience, centralizing operations while providing cost-effective scalability. For those ready to implement this feature, the setup process is straightforward, and our support team is available for assistance.

By integrating the Divisions Add-On, you can achieve a more organized and efficient business structure, tailored to meet the unique demands of each division within your company. Embrace this innovative solution to elevate your operational capabilities and drive your business forward.

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