Creating Jobs for Tracking Production - shopVOX Express

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

A "Job" in shopVOX is a line item on an order. There can be many jobs per order and you can send jobs to the job board one at a time and those can be tracked separately from each other. This is especially helpful if each line item (job) on the order is different and requires different steps and stages through production. Maybe they have different lead times and due dates. Also - you can combine jobs and track them together on the job board.

This guide will take you through the steps of creating jobs from an order and tracking production of jobs on the job board.

Creating Jobs

  1. You can create a job from a Sales Order a couple of different ways. First, open any Sales Order from the Transactions icon at the top of the screen.
  1. Once you have a Sales Order open, you can create a job by:
    1. Clicking the Create Job Button - this allows you to send one line item to the job board as a job
    2. Clicking the Create Combines Job Button - this allows you to send multiple line items to the job board as one job and track them together
    3. Click the blue actions icon on the line item and choose Create Job - This allows you to send the chosen line item to the job board as a job
  2. The New Job screen will allow you to choose a status, which shows your team where in the process the job current is in progress. Here I will choose Design. You can also choose your reviewer and priority. Is this a rush job? Or maybe you are sending multiple jobs, but this one takes first priority over the others in the order.
  3. Fill out the rest of the New Job screen to complete customer details, notes for each department, dates and scheduling, and team assignments for this job. Then when you are finished, click on the green Save Job button.
  1. Now your job is added to the job board where you can track statuses and production due dates. You can also see if a proof was approved, and your whole team will be on the same page while this job is in production. To learn more about job statuses and tag, check out this tutorial - Managing Job statuses and deadlines

How did we do?

Managing Job Statuses and Deadlines - shopVOX Express

Using a TV for your Job Board - shopVOX Express
