Purchasing and Receiving Blank Garments - shopVOX Express

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Purchase Orders (POs) are documents sent from you, as the buyer, to a vendor with a request for outsourced items such as blank garments. You can create POs only for Apparel Items on a Sales Order in shopVOX. Purchase Orders in shopVOX allows you to track it's status and check-in the garments once they arrive.

How to Create a Purchase Order

  1. Click on Needs Purchasing.
  1. Here are the choices to select before you click on Purchase Selected Items.
  • Select All: Check this box if you have a list of apparel items.
  • Select SO # LI #: Choose this option when you want to create a PO for all the sizes & qty on a line item.
  • Select Listed Sizes: Check this box next to the size if you want to create a PO only for that size.
  • Qty Needed: This is the Qty required to fulfill the order.
  • Qty to Order: This is the Qty you would like to order from a supplier/vendor.
  1. Fill out the required details for the Items being purchased from a vendor and click on Create Purchase Order button at the bottom of the screen for PO to create successfully.

Receiving on a Purchase Order

  1. Receiving section on Purchase Orders will help you track Qty received where you can mark received by sizes or Qty or Mark All Received.
  1. When you mark partial items received then the state on the PO will automatically change to Partially Received.

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