Multiple Currency Add-On - How it works and setting up

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

As an international business, you may have customers from different countries who prefer to use their local currencies. Our system allows you to add multiple currencies and set a default currency for each customer individually. While your local currency remains the system default, you can add as many currencies as needed. Each customer can then have a specific currency rate set. If no rate is specified for a new customer, the system will use the default rate.

Note: The currency rates you enter will not update in real time. They will reflect the rates you manually set in the settings.

Steps to Set Up Currencies

Here are the steps to add currencies to the system and select a currency for a customer:

Setting Up Your Currencies

Step One:Contact us via chat support or email at to have this feature enabled.

Step Two:Set up the currencies you will support. Go to Settings > Currencies settings page.

Selecting Customer Currency

  1. Navigate to the customer’s profile.
  2. Choose the desired currency for the customer from the available options.

Step Three

To add new currencies, click the +Add New Currency button in the top right corner. A popup window will appear. Set your local currency and its rate to 1, as this will be your default rate.

Step Four:

Add additional currencies by clicking the +Add New Currency button. Select the desired currency and enter the rate relative to your local currency.

Note: The rates you enter are not updated in real time. For new transactions, you should update the exchange rates periodically. Consider updating them quarterly, monthly, or according to what makes sense for your market and exchange rate fluctuations.

Once added, your currency page will look like this.

Setting Up Customers with a Specific Currency

Step One:

On the customer page, click the Pencil (edit) icon. Scroll down to the Currency field near the bottom of the page. If you have recently added a new currency, you might need to refresh your browser to see the updated list.

Step Two:

When creating transactions, the system will calculate both the customer's price and the default price. These will be displayed at the bottom of the page, showing your default price and the converted price in the customer's local currency.

On the customer's PDF, there will be a red note indicating that all prices are in the default currency, except for the final price, which will be in their local currency.

As payments are added to an order, the balance will be shown in both currencies.

As payments are added to an order, it will show the Balance in both currencies as well.

Managing international customers and their preferred currencies is straightforward with our system. You can easily add multiple currencies, set default rates for each customer, and handle transactions in various currencies. Remember, while the system doesn't update currency rates in real time, you can manually adjust them periodically to stay current with exchange rate fluctuations. This feature ensures that both you and your customers have clear and accurate pricing, enhancing your global business operations.

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