Sales Leads Web Form in shopVOX: Streamline Prospect Capture and Management

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

The Sales Leads contact form is a powerful feature that allows you to download and customize a contact form directly from your shopVOX account. This form can be tailored to specific sales reps and pipelines, making it easier than ever to organize and manage your leads.

With shopVOX, you can create multiple pipelines, each assigned to a specific sales representative. This flexibility means you can have two or more pipelines for one sales rep, each with its own unique form. These forms can then be embedded on your website. When a potential customer fills out the form, a new, well-categorized sales lead is automatically created in your shopVOX account, complete with essential details like the customer's name, contact information, and more.

Contact Forms

You can easily integrate shopVOX’s customizable Contact Forms into your website, allowing you to efficiently capture and manage sales leads. Every time a contact form is submitted, it will instantly create a new sales lead directly in your shopVOX account, ensuring that no potential opportunity is missed.

The Contact Form is tied to the user who downloads it because it utilizes the user's API Token. This ensures that the lead data is securely linked to the correct account. If needed, you can easily change or revoke your API Token in your profile settings, giving you full control over your integrations.

Setting Up Your API Token

Before downloading the Sales Lead Form, it’s important to ensure your API credentials are correctly set up. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Profile:
    • Navigate to your profile by clicking on your account name or avatar in the top right corner of your shopVOX dashboard.
  2. Access Your API Credentials:
    • Scroll down until you find the API Access section.
    • Click Show and enter your password to reveal your Account ID and API Token. These tokens are essential as they are embedded into your contact form when you download it, allowing the system to correctly identify who the form belongs to.
  3. Regenerate API Token if Necessary:
    • If needed, you can regenerate your API token to ensure security or to reset your integration. This can be done within the same API Access section of your profile.

How to Download Your Sales Lead Form

  1. Navigate to Sales Leads Settings:
    • Go to Settings > Sales Leads in your shopVOX account.
  2. Explore the Options:
    • You’ll see options like:
      • Add New Pipeline: Create a new sales pipeline for organizing your leads.
      • Full Page with Contact Form: Download a complete contact form ready to be embedded on your website.
      • Contact Form Only: Get just the form without the full page setup.

By setting up these forms, you streamline the process of capturing leads, ensuring they are automatically categorized and assigned to the appropriate sales pipeline.

Downloading and Viewing the Full Page with Contact Form

  1. Click on "Full Page With Contact Form":
    • After selecting this option, you will be prompted to enter your password for security reasons.
  2. Download and Preview:
    • Once the file is downloaded, you can double-click it to see how the form looks.

The form includes fields for:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Company Name
  • Your Email Address
  • Questions or Comments
  • Assets with a browse button to upload files
  • Submit button

This pre-designed form is ready to be embedded on your website, providing a straightforward way for prospects to reach out and for you to capture valuable lead information efficiently.

Testing Your Sales Lead Form

Go ahead and test it out. Fill in the form and hit submit.

You should be able to see the result of your test appear in your Sales Leads within shopVOX.

  1. Redirection Confirmation:
    • You will notice that once you submit the form, you are redirected to the shopVOX website. This is a positive sign because it indicates that your Full Page with Contact Form is properly integrated with your API key and token.
  2. Check Your Sales Leads:
    • Navigate to the Sales Leads section in your shopVOX account to see the newly created lead.
    • You can see the New Sales Lead from the Sales Lead Board
    • Clicking on the Title opens the Sales Lead
  3. Update the Redirect Code:
    • All that remains is to update the redirect code to point to your own website, ensuring that after a customer submits the form, they are redirected back to a page of your choosing.

This simple test confirms that the form is functioning as expected and that the integration with shopVOX is secure and effective.

Changing the Redirect Webpage

If you're comfortable working with HTML, you can customize the content and appearance of the Sales Lead Form by editing the HTML file directly. You can change field names, add new fields, or modify the layout to better fit your brand and customer experience.

If you're not comfortable editing HTML yourself, you can have your web designer customize the form for you. They can ensure that the form matches your website's design and functions exactly as you need it to.

To change which webpage the form redirects to after submission:

  1. Open the full-page-contact-form.html:
  2. Locate the Redirect Code:
    • When opening the HTML file, search for a section that looks like this:
    <h1>shopVOX Sample Contact Form</h1>

    <form id="contactForm">
    <div id="shopvox-contactForm-error-message" class="alert alert-danger"></div>
    <input type="hidden" name="on_success" id="on_success" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="pipeline_name" id="pipeline_name" value="Sales Pipeline">
    <input type="hidden" name="title" id="title" value="Contact form sales lead">
    <input type="hidden" name="lead_source_name" id="lead_source" value="Contact Form">
    <input type="hidden" name="vox_protection" id="vox_protection" value="">
    • We are specifically looking for this line:
    <input type="hidden" name="on_success" id="on_success" value="">
  3. Update the Redirect URL:
    • Simply change that line to the URL of your choosing. For most cases, it would be appropriate to have a "thank you for submission" landing page that your web designer can create, thanking the customer for submitting the form.
  4. Save Your Changes:
    • After updating the URL, save the changes to your HTML file.

Now, when someone submits the form, they will be redirected to the webpage you’ve specified, creating a seamless experience for your potential customers.

Sales Lead Notifications

To get the most out of the Sales Leads feature, you'll want to ensure that your notifications are set up properly so that you are alerted whenever a new Sales Lead is created.

  1. Navigate to Notification Settings:
    • Go to Settings in your shopVOX account.
    • Then, on the left-hand side, click on Notifications.
  2. Set Up Sales Lead Notifications:
    • Scroll down until you see the Sales Leads heading.
    • This is where you can turn the notifications on or off.
    • Notice in the Created section that the notification is set to notify the Sales Rep. This is very important to understand because whoever is the Sales Rep that the form was downloaded from will be the recipient of the notification.
  3. Test and Customize:
    • Feel free to test this out and add any other recipients you would like to be notified, either by Email, In-App, or both. I suggest setting up both types of notifications to ensure you are aware whether you're at your computer or on the road.

Proper notification setup ensures that you or your team members are promptly informed when a new lead is captured, enabling a quick response to potential customers.

Sales Leads API Access

For those looking to integrate even deeper or automate certain tasks, shopVOX offers an API for Sales Leads. You can reference the shopVOX API for Sales Leads here: Sales Leads API Reference.

This API documentation will show you what is possible from an API standpoint, including which fields are available for the form. Understanding these fields allows you to customize your forms or integrations further, ensuring that the captured data fits seamlessly into your sales and marketing workflows.

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