Sales Commissions

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Set up Commission Rates for the Products you sell, or for the users on your Sales Team. Commissions are always calculated per line item and never per invoice total.

Commission Rates can be set in a Product or in the individual users marked as Sales Rep. Commission rates set in a Product will override the commission rates set in the user. You also can choose if the commission is based on Price, Cost, or Profit

Commission Rates for users marked as Sales Rep

  1. From the top toolbar, select Settings
  1. On the side menu, select Team, then Users, and pick a user that is a Sales Rep
  1. At the bottom of the user screen, look for Responsibilities

  1. You enter the In-House and Outsource Sales Commission Rates here, ensure Sales Rep is checked, and click Update User

Commission Rates entered here in the user profile are overridden by the Commission Rates in a Product

Commission Rates for Products

  1. From the top toolbar, select Settings, side menu choose Product, select a Product > Advanced Settings.

  1. In the Default Sales Type - choose In House or Outsourced, and enter the rate in the appropriate box
Commission Rates entered in a Product will override commission rates set in the user profile

Choose if the commission is based on Price, Cost, or Profit

Sales commission is calculated as follows

By default, the commission is set to calculate based on price.

  • Price: With a selling price of $100, and a 10% commission rate, the commission based on price would be $10.00
  • Cost: With a cost of $50, and a 10% commission rate, the commission based on cost would be $5.00
  • Profit: With a profit of $25.00, and a 10% commission rate, the commission based on profit would be $2.50

To change what your commissions are based on in shopVOX:

  1. From the top toolbar, select Settings, side menu choose Transactions

  1. Set your Default In House Sales Commission to Cost, Price, or Profit
  2. Set your Default Outsourced Sales Commission to Cost, Price, or Profit

Important Points about Commissions

  • Assign the sales rep before you add items
  • Commissions are ALWAYS calculated per line item, and never per invoice total
  • Always remember to assign the desired sales rep to the order, so they are credited commission on the products selected in a quote.
  • If you do not select the Sales Rep first, commissions will be calculated, but there will be no salesperson to credit it to.
  • Sales commission is calculated as soon as you add in your first line item

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