Creating Your Own Custom Views - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Types of Views

The job board offers multiple types of views to cater to different needs:

  1. List Views
    • 1 Line
    • 2 Lines - More time to load
  2. Card Views
  3. Calendar Views

Performance and Data Loading

Switching between different views requires reloading all jobs, as the data fetched varies for each view. To optimize performance, try to remain in one type of view as much as possible.

Loading a large number of jobs, such as 510, inherently takes time due to database load and data volume. Instantaneous loading is not realistic. For reference, we aim for 100 jobs to take approximately 3 seconds to refresh, so 510 jobs will take about 15 seconds to load initially. Once loaded, staying within the same type of view will provide instantaneous access to the data.

Best Practices

Bookmark Views

Each view has a unique URL, allowing you to create bookmarks for quicker access.

Open in Separate Tabs

To avoid switching back and forth within the same tab, open the job board in a separate tab. This prevents reloading when navigating to different objects within shopVOX, such as transactions or customer information. Use the job board tab primarily for job management, and other tabs for customers, quotes, etc.

By following these best practices, you can enhance your efficiency and experience with the job board.

Adding New View

You can add views in four simple steps.

  1. Open the Quotes screen by clicking on the Transactions icon, then Quotes.
  1. Now, click on the My View field as shown above and select Add New View. Give the view a title.
  2. Select the view style.
    1. Cards (on Job Board only)
    2. 1- Line List ( contains one line of text )
    3. 2- Line List ( contains two lines of text )
  3. Select column labels.
    1. Horizontal
    2. Vertical
  4. Select view type.
    1. Collaborative: Anyone can edit the visibility and order of columns, sorting, and filtering rules.
    2. Locked: No one can edit the visibility and order of columns, sorting, and filtering rules.
    3. Personal: Only you can edit the visibility and order of columns, sorting, and filtering rules.


Creating filter rules is easy and a great way of refining your data. To do this click on the funnel symbol and filter data from screens/pages - Job Board, Customers, and Transactions( Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Payments, Purchase Orders, Credit Memos, and Refunds)


Sorting helps you analyze data more effectively. To do this click on the up-down arrow symbol and add sort rule(s) on any screen(s) - Job Board, Customers, and Transactions( Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Payments, Purchase Orders, Credit Memos, and Refunds). You can sort by several different parameters such as date, transaction number, customer name, and title to name a few.

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