How are Users Billed?

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

shopVOX Express

A shopVOX Express subscription includes 1 Full User in the Base Price Subscription of $99 per month.

Each additional Full user is $19 ea per month for the regular Subscription.


A shopVOX Pro subscription includes 1 Full User in the Base Price Subscription of $199 per month.

Each additional Full user is $39 ea per month for a Pro Subscription.  

Any time you add a Full user to your account – you will be billed the pro-rated amount for the month and your monthly subscription will increase by $39 for Pro version/$19 for shopVOX Express for each Full user. You can add as many users as you want during a free trial, but you'll be billed for those users at the end of your trial period if they are not deactivated.

How did we do?

Five challenges to consider when setting up your Account - shopVOX Pro
