Common Xero Sync Error messages explained - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Here are some common errors you might encounter when syncing with Xero. NOTE: These typically occur during the setup process and editing/creating your Product templates and adding the Chart of Accounts to your new shopVOX account. Once these are in place, you shouldn't have reoccurring errors. Also remember, we are here to help! Ping the chat support team to assist you with any errors you might be running into when syncing to Xero

Invoice Sync Errors

Error: 10:ValidationExceptionACCREC:A validation exception occurred

 Invoice # must be unique.

>>>  What this means is the Invoice number you are trying to Sync to Xero already exists in Xero and hence cannot sync to Xero, the Invoice numbers have to be Unique.  ***Either delete the Invoice in Xero and resync, or if the Invoice has already been synced, mark this Invoice as "Posted" so it will not try to re-sync.

Payment Sync Errors.

Error: 10:ValidationExceptionBANKACCREC:A validation exception occurred

Payments can only be made against Authorized documents 

>>>  What this means is the payment you are sending to Xero about has been applied to an Invoice (in sV) that Invoice does not exist in Xero.  ***Need to make sure that Invoice already exists if not either first sync that Invoice or void this payment out.

Error: 10:ValidationExceptionBANK:A validation exception occurred

Invoice could not be found

>>>  It is pretty self-explanatory.  You are trying to post a payment applied to an Invoice that does not exist in Xero.  Open the payment in shopVOX and see which Invoice it was applied to and then first make sure that Invoice is synced to Xero first and then sync the payment.

Error: 10:ValidationExceptionRECEIVE-PREPAYMENT:A validation exception occurred

Account code must be specified

The TaxType field is mandatory

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