Tue, 07/02/2024 Implemented the "Board Feet" Formula within the shopVOX Product System. Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

To elevate the functionality of the shopVOX product system, we have integrated a new calculation method known as "Board Feet".Background: Board Feet is a traditional measurement unit in the lumber industry, used to quantify the volume of wood based on its dimensions, including width and length in feet, and height in inches. It provides a comprehensive means of assessing wood volume.Formula Definition: Board Feet represents the volume of wood equivalent to a piece that is one foot long, one foot wide, and one inch thick.Calculation Method: Formula: Board Feet = (Width in Feet × Height in Inches × Length in Feet) / 12Implemented New System Variables:Width_in_Feet: This variable captures the width of the wood in feet. Length_in_Feet: This variable captures the length of the wood in feet. We will utilize the existing Height system variable, which captures the wood's height in inches.Formula Implemented in shopVOX:The board feet calculation in shopVOX is now structured as: (Width_in_Feet * Height * Length_in_Feet) / 12This formula seamlessly integrates the new system variables with the existing height measurement to compute board feet accurately within the shopVOX environment.You can navigate from Settings>>Pricing>>Pricing Formulas to see this.

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