Quickbooks Online: Common Sync Errors - shopVOX Express

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

How to troubleshoot and fix common errors with Quickbooks Online sync. Occasionally, especially when first setting up and syncing with shopVOX; you will run into some issue that don't quite work with Quickbooks. This can also happen when you create a new product or make changes with COA or a Tax. Once you have these resolved, you shouldn't see errors of the same type in the future.

  • Error Message: You must specify a different number. This number has already been used.

Solution : This error means there is already an invoice with that number.  If you get this error then you need to delete the Invoice in QB to export it again. you need to go and add the same name in the Company field and then try to re-import. This happens when you manually create a customer in QB.

  • Error Message: Select Id, CompanyName From Customer where CompanyName = 'James Stark Trucking Inc.'; returned 0 results

Solution:  This means there is a customer name in QB but that name is only on the Display Name field and not in the company name it should be in both places

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