Ecommerce - Web Store - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Ecommerce - Web Store

Web stores, as offered by shopVOX, are an integral component of our e-Commerce add-on. They represent specialized online stores tailored to cater to a particular niche, purpose, or target audience. Unlike the password-protected cPortal, web stores are accessible to the general public and can be seamlessly embedded into your website. They prove to be especially beneficial for educational institutions or organizations involved in the sale of custom-designed products to parents or members of the organization.

Web stores find practical application in various scenarios, including:

  1. High school sports team stores
  2. Fundraiser stores
  3. Company stores

By leveraging web stores, businesses and organizations can enhance their online presence, offer a more personalized shopping experience, and facilitate smoother transactions for their respective audiences.

How to enable Ecommerce

To initiate the process of adding the ecommerce add-on to your shopVOX account, the first step is to reach out to Send them an email requesting the inclusion of the ecommerce add-on in your account. This will allow you to unlock the powerful features and capabilities of the ecommerce functionality within shopVOX, enabling you to expand your online business presence and enhance your customers' shopping experience.

Creating a Webstore

  1. To begin navigate to "Settings", "Forms", select "Product" and turn on visibility for

    "Allow Specific Pricing",
    "Pricing Variant Types".
    "Show on Cportal", "Shopping Cart", "Webstore"
    The above setting enable the fields required to configure the Ecommerce settings inside of a product
  2. Click on the Customers tab
  3. Select the Customer you want to enable the Webstore feature on
  4. Select the blue action button, and select "Enable Customer Portal."
    This is a critical step; without this the Webstore will not turn on
  5. Once you've "Enabled Customer Portal," click the pencil to edit the Customer.
  6. Click on the Webstore tab, and turn on "Enable Web Store"
  7. Fill in "Web Store Name", "Web Store Message", "Upload a Web Store Logo", and "Upload a Web Store Image". Then click "Update Customer"
  8. You can preview your Web Store any time, click on "Show All Information"
  9. Scroll down the page until you find "Web Store", then click the blue link named "External Link"
  10. This is the preview from the link. Now its time to add products to the Web Store

Adding Products to the Web Store

  1. Navigate to a Product you would like on the Web Store. From the "Configure Pricing" tab select "Pricing Variant Type", and choose "Company"
    If you don't see the "Pricing Variant Type" drop down, you'll have to turn it on in Settings/Forms/Products
  2. Once you have selected Company for the Pricing Variant Type a new section will appear called "Variant Pricing", click "+ Add Variant"
  3. From the add variant screen, select the Company name and click "Add Variant"
    Note: You can also increase or decrease the price for the Selected customer from the Add Variant screen
  4. You can preview it by refreshing the Web Store page in your browser, or by clicking on the external link located in the Customer as explained above
  5. From the Web Store page Click on your Product to see how it previews.
  6. Now you can proceed to add in more products, following the same method. For this example, there are eight products to be added.
  7. In a product under the Basic Settings tab you can enter in the product description and choose a main image
  8. Additional images can be added to your product by going to the assets tab in the product.
  9. Here are three images added into the Product
  10. You can see your additional images by clicking on the Product in your Web Store. You can cycle through the images with the arrows on the left and the right on the main image.

How did we do?

Ecommerce: Creating Discount Codes - shopVOX Pro
