Connecting Your Sage One Accounting to shopVOX

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

One of the benefits of having a shopVOX account is the ability to synchronize your customer data to your SAGE accounting software. This means that all information related to your customers, including transactions and payments, will originate in shopVOX and then be synced to SAGE. This integration can save you a significant amount of time, as you won't need to manually create customers or transactions in SAGE.

Another advantage of this integration is that all invoices will be readily accessible within your shopVOX account, and can be emailed directly to your customers. This can streamline your billing process and make it easier to keep track of all your invoices in one central location.

It's important to note that any transaction that involves your customers will always be initiated in shopVOX before being synced to SAGE for accounting purposes. This ensures that all customer-related data is accurately recorded in shopVOX before being transferred to SAGE.

Connect Your SAGE Account to shopVOX

Here is your first task. Connecting SAGE to shopVOX so they are talking to each other.

  1. Go to Settings, then click on Accounting
  1. Choose SAGE from the list
  1. Connect to SAGE and authorize the connection
  2. Login to SAGE

When you click on Connect with SAGE it will redirect to SAGE login page, where you need to enter your SAGE credentials. You may need to authorize this connection, click allow on the next page.

  1. You are connected!

shopVOX is now connected to SAGE. It will show as a "connected" account on accounting page as shown below.

Importing details from your SAGE account

Now that you are connected, you can copy a few things into shopVOX, which will save you time. The items you can copy are:

  • Customers and contacts list
  • Sales Tax rates
  • Chart of Accounts items

Importing Customers and Sales tax rates is done by clicking the Copy from SAGE button in each section. The Chart of Accounts can also be copied as well. Before you do this though, you will need to confirm the account types you will need in your SAGE account.

  1. Verify your Chart of Accounts list in SAGE
    The Chart of Accounts is the backbone of your accounting system. Below are the items required to sync properly to shopVOX.
    You need to copy the following accounts from SAGE:
    • Sales - Products or Sales - Services
    • Cost of Sales - Goods
    • Prepayments (undeposited funds)
    • VAT on Sales

🚫 You do not need any of the following accounts from SAGE:

  • Expenses
  • Other Bank Accounts
  • Accounts Payable
  • Other Liabilities
  • Other Assets
  1. Copy COA items to shopVOX

Go to Settings, then Accounting. Now, scroll down you can see a list of Chart of Accounts,

You have two options to copy the information.

Option 1: You can manually enter each account by clicking Add New Chart of Account. You will then copy/ paste the information from SAGE to the appropriate fields in the pop-up window.



Option 2: Click the Copy from SAGE button and you will see a list of accounts you can select and copy all at once. Make sure you select all the items in the above list.

Adjusting shopVOX to Sync to SAGE

Now that you have all the parts you need copied exactly from SAGE, you can now make changes to shopVOX so everything will sync where it needs to go!

  1. Set up COA Mapping. Go to Settings, then Accounting. Now scroll down you can see COA Mapping

For all the "internal" shopVOX accounts, you need to select the matching COA account from SAGE

  • The labels on the left represent the required accounts.
  • The labels on the right represent your COA accounts mapped with required accounts.
    • NOTE: These are the default accounts when you first created your shopVOX account.
  • Click on the pencil symbol and edit the default mapping and add your copied COA’s

  1. Making adjustments to Products in your account

There are two things you'll want to edit for each of our starter products.

  • Income Account
  • COG Account

Why is this important?

When your Invoices get posted to SAGE, you want to make sure the revenue from each line item goes into the correct Income account. This will keep your accountant happy.

In Settings click on Products

Click each Product. Click the Pencil Icon next to Income Account and COG account and select the appropriate account from the drop-down list.

Make sure you do this for all the Products in your account.

Test Sync to SAGE

Sync a Test Invoice and Payment

It is important to test the integration before you start syncing real invoices and payments to SAGE.

  1. Create a test Invoice
  2. Apply a test Payment to the Invoice
  3. Sync to SAGE by clicking on Post to Accounting
  4. You will now see the invoices that have sync'd across into Sage under SALES- SALES INVOICES. Check that it has copied across.

  1. Once successful, delete the invoice and payment from SAGE
  2. Void the invoice and payment inside SAGE

Welcome to shopVOX - SAGE integration!

You are now ready to create transactions in shopVOX and when they are completed and invoiced you can easily sync them to SAGE. It is recommended to sync at least once a week!

How did we do?

Transaction Numbers Settings - shopVOX Pro
