Customer Contacts: Setting Primary and Billing Contacts

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Organizing your contacts by marking someone as a Primary or Billing contact is crucial. This article breaks down how to do it in your system. One of the reasons why you would want to do this is when you export PDFs like quotes, sales orders, or invoices, having the right contact info on them is essential.

We'll go through different ways to mark contacts, making it easier for your system to handle and keeping your paperwork accurate.

Adding in a Primary and Billing Contact when you first enter a Customer

  1. From the top menu bar, choose Customers, the "+ Add New Customer"
  2. On the Next Screen you will see a form where you can fill in details about the customer, including Primary Contact Name, Email, and Phone number
  3. Fill in your information here
  4. In this example, I've selected the checkbox to designate the primary contact as the accounts payable contact as well.
  5. Scroll to bottom and click "Save Customer"
  6. After saving, you will notice that the Primary and Billing Contact are reflected in the top details pane of your Customer.

Updating and Marking the Primary or Billing Contact

The procedure for changing either the Primary or Billing contact remains identical. Building on the previous example, let's modify the Billing Contact to another individual. The initial step involves ensuring we have an alternative contact to designate as the Billing Contact. Let's start by adding another contact.

  1. From the Customer details pain, click on "Show All Information"
  2. Scroll to the bottom where the contacts reside, and click "+Add New Contact"
  3. Fill in the details for the Accounts Payable Contact
  4. Click "Save Contact"
  5. Take notice of both contacts. You can identify who is Primary and who is Accounts Payable from the area marked in yellow.
  6. Click on the Contact you wish to Mark as Accounts Payable.
  7. From the edit Contact screen, choose the blue action button, and then Select "Mark as Accounts Payable"
  8. When you go to view the Customer Details pane at the top you will notice the change has taken effect.
  9. You will also notice the change reflected in the Contact section

Removing by Unmarking Primary or Billing Contact

Removing the Primary or Billing contact is easy. Building on our example lets remove the Primary and the Billing Contact

  1. From the contacts section select the Primary Contact
  2. From the Blue Action button select "Unmark as Primary Contact"
  3. You will see the change reflected in two areas
    1. Area 1
      1. Area 2
  4. From the contacts section select the Accounts Payable Contact
  5. From the Blue Action button select "Unmark as Accounts Payable Contact"
  6. You will see the change reflected in two areas
    1. Area 1
    2. Area 2

Marking Primary or Billing Contact with a Spreadsheet

You have the option to mark the Primary or Billing Contact with a spread sheet.

  1. Simply download the Customer Spreadsheet. From the Customer screen go to the blue action button as select Export to CSV
  2. Open the spreadsheet, and enter the Primary Contact, and Accounts Payable Contact, in the appropriate cells.
  3. Save your spread sheet as a CSV
  4. Use the Customer import feature to import your CSV.
  5. From the import screen choose your saved CSV
  6. Select "Update Existing Customer Data" and click "Import"
  7. Now all your Customers that you've updated with Primary and Accounts payable will be marked accordingly
Important to Note! The Primary and Accounts Payable Contact must exist in your customer Contacts first to be able to leverage this import and update feature

Establishing clear distinctions between Primary and Accounts Payable contacts within your system is fundamental for maintaining efficient communication and streamlined operations. By diligently assigning these roles, you ensure that pertinent documentation, such as invoices and quotes, accurately reflect the appropriate individual's information. This not only enhances organizational clarity but also contributes to seamless transactions and strengthened professional relationships. Embracing the significance of these designations empowers your business to navigate complexities with ease, fostering reliability and trust in all your interactions.

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