Common questions

How to increase Database size ? - shopVOX Pro

Need more Storage. shopVOX PRO comes with 25GB of database space. Our Job Board version comes with 10GB. For most people, this is more than enough, but we do have an option to upgrade to more space.…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Opening PDFs directly in your browser - shopVOX Pro

Transactions in shopVOX can be printed as a PDF document. You can download them, email them or if you the PDF in a separate tab in your browser. You may have to adjust your browser setti…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

shopVOX User Types - shopVOX Pro

Understanding User Types in shopVOX. In shopVOX, there are three types of users: Full Users, Mobile Users, and Schedule Users. Each type has unique benefits and functionalities. Here’s a detailed exp…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Empowering Project Managers in the Proofing Process: A Guide to Workflow Enhancement - shopVOX Pro

In the ever-evolving landscape of project management and customer satisfaction, streamlining workflows is paramount. A critical juncture in this process is the online proofing stage, where attention…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Hex Color file to match PMS color chart - shopVOX Pro

Hexadecimal Colors - What are they? How can I use them in shopVOX?. Designers and developers use HEX colors in web design. A HEX color is expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters d…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

How do I disabled user? - shopVOX Pro

Follow these instructions to diasble a user Settings. Click the Settings icon on the upper right-hand side of your screen. Click Team , then Users. Scroll past the User Profile to the very bottom of…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

What is the Admin checkbox for when creating a new user? - shopVOX Pro

When you create a new user or edit an existing user, you'll see a checkbox labeled Admin. When you check this box, it gives the user Admin privileges. Click on the Settings icon on the top toolbar. F…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Invoicing - Enhancing Customer Engagement: Tracking Invoice Views with shopVOX Pro

Enhancing Customer Engagement: Tracking Invoice Views with shopVOX Pro. In the dynamic world of business, efficient communication is key, especially when it comes to invoicing. With the all-new shopV…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Where do jobs "fit" in the order process in ShopVOX? - shopVOX Pro

Find out more about the order process within the ShopVOX system. In a nutshell, this is how we built ShopVOX to fit the "typical" quote to invoice process. When you "create a job" from a Sales order-…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Why can't I print the PDF documents directly, instead of downloading? - shopVOX Pro

We don't currently support directly printing PDFs like the Quote, Job, WO, and others from the browser. In shopVOX, you have to generate and save a PDF before you can actually print a Sales Order or…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

How can I send a quote and a proof together in one email to my customer? - shopVOX Pro

It is not currently possible to send a Quote and Proof for review in a single email because our Quote Review and Proof Review are two separate functions Why is the system designed this way?. Sign sho…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald
