Managing Job Statuses and Deadlines - shopVOX Express

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Job statuses help you have a quick glance as to where your job is at in the production process. We have developed an easy-to-use feature which means you can allocate a new status for the job at anytime. You and your team can all be on the same page when checking over an order.

Job statuses can be found on your Job Board and inside the Job card itself. To learn more about adding new job statuses to your account, check out this tutorial - Track Progress with Job Statuses

Apply a Status and Deadline to a Job

When you create a new job, you will have a chance to assign a status. A status helps your team know exactly what stage this job is in throughout production. It's important to keep the status up to date so that your team is aware of the most current progress of the job and nothing will fall behind. Apply a new status or change a status directly on the job card. You can also update statuses directly on the job board.

There are two dates that you can use for tracking your orders and jobs on the job board:

  • Due Date - This is the overall job due date. This usually means the date that your customer needs it in hand. You can track the due date of each job on the job board.
  • Production Due Date - This is the date production should be completed by for this job. Usually this means an internal due date so that you can make sure that your customer will receive their order on time. You might need to schedule your production due date a day or two ahead of the overall due date to account for quality control check, scheduling installation, or shipping the order. Please note that you cannot schedule a production due date that is later than the overall due date.

It is important to assign a due date and production due date to each job. The job board will show you how many days are left before the due date, or how many days past due your job is currently.

How to Update Status and Dates on the Job Board

To make changes to a status or due date on the job board, simply hover over the status and click on the blue edit pencil that appears. You can also do this if you hover over the due date or production due date. Try to keep this information up to date so that your job get completed and fulfilled on time. Strive for early completion and exceed your customer's expectations. Happy customers = repeat business!

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Track Progress with Job Statuses - shopVOX Express

Creating Jobs for Tracking Production - shopVOX Express
