How Do I Cancel My shopVOX Account? - shopVOX Express

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

If you are reading this, you have decided that shopVOX Express isn't for you. We will miss you, and we hope that one day you come back as a customer, but you have decisions to make and a business to run. We totally understand.

One thing to consider... if you need more flexibility in customizing your shopVOX account, more features and tools, or if you are a larger shop that requires more flexibility in your shop management system - we have a Pro version that might be a good fit for you. You can contact for more information on upgrading to shopVOX PRO.

We would like to thank you for your business and hope you find the business management solution you are looking for.

Steps to cancel your account

  1. Click the Settings icon and then select the Billing section.
  2. Click on the Cancel Subscription button.

Refund Policy

There is no contract to use shopVOX. 

You pay as you go and the day you don’t want to use it, you can just cancel the subscription directly within your shopVOX account to stop the charges to the credit card or direct deposit.

The current month will not be refunded.

You will not be charged from the following billing cycle from the day you have submitted your cancellation request within your shopVOX account. 

How did we do?

Icons and Interface Tour - shopVOX Express

How do I Update Our Billing Info? - shopVOX Express
