Increasing Product Prices by a Percentage in shopVOX - PBase

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Increasing product prices by a percentage in shopVOX is a simple yet powerful feature that allows you to adjust your pricing strategy efficiently. This guide will walk you through the steps to increase prices for your products using shopVOX’s advanced pricing tools.

Understanding Base Price

The Base Price in shopVOX refers to the combination of materials, labor, and machine rates that form the foundational cost of your product. By marking specific elements within your pricing templates as part of this Base Price, you ensure accurate calculations.

Steps to Increase Prices by a Percentage: Example Usage

Before you begin, identify which items you want to increase by a percentage. In this example, we'll use a Printed Mural that incurs a rush charge of 50% when the rush charge checkbox is selected.

We'll create a simple product to demonstrate this process, which will include:

  1. Width x Height: Numeric input fields
  2. Rush Charge: Boolean checkbox
  3. Materials: Drop-down menu
  4. Printer: Default item - Machine Rate
  5. Rush Charge: Default item - Labor Rate


Creating the Necessary Elements

  1. Labor Rate
    • Go to Settings > Pricing > Labor Rates
    • Select "+Add New Labor Rate", then "Show all Fields"
    • Fill in the details:
      • Name: Rush Charge
      • Formula: PBase
      • Percentage of Base: 50
      • Production Rate: 1, Units: Unit, Per: Unit
    • Click "Add New Labor Rate"
  2. Rush Charge Boolean Check Box
    • Go to Settings > Pricing > Modifiers
    • Select "+Add New Modifier", then "Show all Fields"
    • Fill in the details:
      • Name: Rush_Charge
      • System Lookup Name: Rush Charge
      • Type: Boolean
    • Click "Add New Modifier"
  3. Printer - Machine Rate
    • Go to Settings > Pricing > Machine Rates
    • Select "+Add New Machine Rate"
    • Fill in the details:
      • Name: Generic Printer
      • Cost: 50.00, Price: 100.00, and Markup: 2
      • Units: Hr
      • Formula: Area
      • Production Rate: 100, Units: Sqft, Per: Hr
    • Click "Add New Machine Rate"
  4. Material
    • Go to Settings > Pricing > Material List
    • Select "+Add New Material"
    • Fill in the details:
      • Name: No Name PSV White
      • Type: Roll Materials , Category: PSV
      • Selling Units: Sqft, Buying Units: Roll, Sell/Buy Ratio: 675
      • Roll Width: 54, Roll Height: 1800, Roll Cost: $100.00
      • Cost: is auto filled @ 0.1481, Price: 1.50, Markup: is auto filled @ 10.12
      • Formula: Area
      • Production Rate: 1, Units: Unit, Per: Hr
    • Click "Add New Material"

Creating the Product

Now that we have all the elements, let's put it together into a working example product.

  1. Go to Settings > Products
  2. Select "+Add New Product"
  3. Select "Create a Custom Product"
  4. Fill in the details:
    • Name: PBase Example
    • Interface: Custom
    • Type: The Learning Center, Category: Examples
    • Income and COG Account
  5. Click "Save Product"

Adding Modifiers, Drop-Down Menus, and Default Items to the Product

  1. Click "Add Product Template"
  2. Scroll down to Modifiers. Click "+Add New":
    • +Add New: Width
    • +Add New: Height
    • +Add New: Rush Charge Boolean Check Box
  3. Scroll down to Drop-Down Menus. Click "+Add New":
    • +Add New: Media Drop Down
    • Fill in details
    • Name: Media, Item: Material
    • Item Type: Roll Materials , Item Category: PSV, Item Kind: Company
    • System Formula: AREA for the formula
    • Turn on Charge Per LI Unit, This Dropdown Menu is Optional, and Include in Base Price
    • Percentage of Base: 50
    • Click "Add New Dropdown Menu"
  4. Scroll down to Default Items. Click "+Add New":
    • Item Type: Machine Rate,
    • Machine Rate: Generic Printer
    • Formula: Area, Multiplier: 1
    • Turn on Per LI Unit, and Include in Base Price
    • Click "Add New Default Item"
  5. While in Default Items, Click "+Add New":
    • Item Type: Labor Rate,
    • Labor Rate: Rush Charge
    • Formula: PBase
    • Percentage of Base: 50
    • Select "Attach to Numeric Modifier", and choose the "Rush Charge" Boolean check box
    • Click "Add New Default Item"

Checking Pricing

  1. Go to the "Check Pricing" tab.
  2. Fill in some test numbers.
    1. Use 120" for Width and 120" for Height.
    2. Select your material, "No Name PSV White"
  3. Toggle the Rush Charge checkbox on and off.
  4. You will see the price increase when you check and uncheck the Boolean Check Box.
  5. You can see the PBase Labor Rate being added or removed by the check box by selecting "Pricing Breakdown" and looking at the Bill of Materials (BOM)

Increasing product prices by a percentage in shopVOX is a streamlined process designed to enhance your pricing strategy efficiently. By defining essential elements such as labor rates, machine rates, and materials, and utilizing modifiers and drop-down menus, you can customize your product pricing to reflect additional charges like rush fees accurately. This guide demonstrates how to set up and apply these elements within shopVOX, ensuring your pricing is both competitive and precise. By following these steps, you can maintain a robust pricing model that adapts to various scenarios seamlessly.

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