Workflow Stages and Templates Explained - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

A Workflow Template is a crucial tool for tracking production processes in jobs. It essentially outlines all the steps necessary to complete a job. By utilizing Workflow Templates, it becomes possible to track each step of a job, schedule employees and machines, and ensure timely delivery. One of the key benefits of Workflow Templates is that they help to reduce mistakes by following a repeatable process for similar jobs.

Setting up Workflow Templates for various production processes in your shop is highly recommended. The top level of a Workflow Template is referred to as a Stage, which is used to group workflow steps. The default Stages in shopVOX include Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. To create a Workflow Template, you will need to add workflow steps to each Stage. Existing Stages can be renamed or supplemented with new ones to align with the shop’s terminology.

By adhering to these guidelines, Workflow Templates can be effectively utilized to optimize production processes, minimize errors, and ensure timely delivery of jobs.

Workflow Stages

Workflow Stages are the highest level of a Workflow Template and are used to categorize and group individual workflow steps.

  1. Navigate Settings, then Workflow to configure the Stages
  2. Click +Add New Template
  3. Workflow Stages are highlighted below
  4. To Edit the stages click the gear icon to the right of any stage
  5. These are the Default Stage in shopVOX
    In shopVOX, the default stages are Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. These stages serve as a framework to which you can add your own workflow steps through Workflow templates.
    If you prefer to use different terminology that aligns with your shop's specific processes, you have the option to create new stages or rename the existing ones accordingly.
    Rename any of the Stages, or click +Add a new stage, and click Save Workflow Stages
To ensure clarity and avoid confusion, we advise limiting the number of stages you utilize in your process. It's recommended that you stick to only 3-4 top-level stages. By doing so, you can keep your workflow streamlined and straightforward.

Workflow templates

We can begin by considering the high-level steps in processing a poster to create a basic Workflow Template using the default Stages.

By utilizing the default Stages available, we can streamline the creation of our Workflow Template. For instance, we can take the example of a poster and identify all the essential steps required to process it.

Steps to making a poster

To create a poster, several steps must be followed to ensure a successful outcome. Firstly, the poster file must be prepared in prepress and submitted for approval. Once approved, the file will move to production for printing, lamination, trimming, quality control, and packaging. Once packaged, the poster will be ready for shipping, and the sales order can be invoiced accordingly.

It's crucial to follow each step thoroughly to ensure the poster is produced to a high standard and the process runs efficiently.

It is crucial to thoughtfully consider the steps involved in your process and logically organize them. By doing so, you can ensure that your Workflow Template is well-structured and easy to follow. Once you have identified the necessary steps, it's important to place them in the appropriate stage of the template. You can create a comprehensive and effective Workflow Template by following these steps.

Lets take the Steps and put them into the template

  1. In the Pre-Production stage, add in ...
  2. In the Production stage, add in ...
  3. In the Post-Production stage, add in ...
  4. Filling in the Name and description, your Workflow Template should look like this
    With the template complete, you can now associate it with a Product or a Sales Order Line Item.

Workflow Template within a Product

To associate a workflow template with a product, navigate to your product, and go to the Basic Settings tab, and select your workflow template.

Workflow Template on a line item

You have the option to assign a workflow template when you Create a job from a Sales Order.

  1. From a Sales Order, select "Create Job"
  2. From the create Job screen you can select the workflow template you wish to use
  3. After you have created the Job you will be able to see the Workflow from the Job' screen
  4. To start a step click the Blue Play Button
  5. You can see the Step is being run when it turns yellow
  6. Click the yellow flag to indicate the step is complete, and the step will be marked green, and the next step to work on will be marked in blue
  7. Each person interacting with the Job Starts, Stops and Completes the Steps required
  8. There are three dots to the right of each step
  9. You can Add Note, Set Due date, Assign Users, Assign Machine to each step. For this example let's add a printing machine
  10. After the machine has been selected you can hover over the graphic to see what machine it is
  11. Lets assign a user to the step
  12. After the user has been selected you can hover over to see which user it is
  13. Lets add a note to the step
  14. After you make a note, you will see it on the step
  15. Lets start the Step, and go take a look at the Jobs Board
  16. This is a list view of the job board with the Workflow Column enabled. You can see the dots representing the workflow. The yellow dot is the one that restarted
  17. Select the configure columns button to choose other options for the Jobs Board. Let's turn on "Assigned To" and" Active Steps Machine".

In Conclusion

shopVOX Workflow Templates enable businesses to streamline their workflow processes, from order intake to production and delivery. With shopVOX Workflow Templates, users can efficiently manage tasks, assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and monitor progress, ultimately enhancing productivity and ensuring orders are completed on time. Whether you're in the signage, printing, or custom manufacturing industry, these templates provide a structured framework for optimizing your business operations and delivering exceptional customer service.

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Using a TV for your Job Board - shopVOX Pro
