shopVOX Express vs. Pro. Explaining the differences in Workflow - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

shopVOX Express has a simplified Workflow in comparison to shopVOX PRO. This article will explain those differences so that you can have a better understanding. 

shopVOX Express - Workflows - Job Status + Tags

There is one Workflow in shopVOX Express. The Workflow contains all the Job Statuses.

A Job Status indicates to everyone on your team where a job is during its life cycle. The status of a job is updated on the Job Board as it moves through your facility. 

The picture below is of a shopVOX Express Job Board. You can customize the shopVOX Express job board to show you the Job Status and Tags for all your Jobs.

Tags allow you to add an extra piece of information that you may commonly use. In the image above for Sales Order 1001, the Status is “On Hold,” and the Tag is “Order Material.” You can add as many tags to a job as you'd like.

Users of shopVOX Express can Add, Delete, Rename, and Reorder Job Statuses + Tags. Simply click on Settings, then Workflow to see and edit your Job Statuses and Tags.

Need more than Job Status? We have a solution for you

If you have a more extensive shop or have more complexities in your jobs than this simplified Workflow provides, then shopVOX PRO is likely a better fit for your team. 

With shopVOX PRO, Workflows are fully customizable, as outlined below.

shopVOX PRO -Workflows, Stages, Templates + Tags

shopVOX PRO has a much more robust and powerful set of Workflow features and tools, allowing for full flexibility and customization. 

shopVOX PRO is recommended for users who have more complex jobs and who need to see more detail when looking at their Job Board.

Don't worry. When you first migrate from Express to Pro, your Job Statuses will be intact. When the time is right and you feel comfortable, we will enable customizable Workflows in your shopVOX PRO account.

Users can configure the shopVOX PRO Job Board to include aspects of the Workflow that are not available in the Express version. 

See the image below showing the Running Stages, Workflow Template, Running Steps, Workflow, and Tags in shopVOX PRO.

A greater level of detail can be understood when looking at the shopVOX PRO Workflows on the PRO - Job Board. 

In shopVOX PRO, you have the freedom to set up a Workflow any way you'd like, and includes the following.

  • Editable Workflow Stages: Includes  Pre Production, Production,+ Post Production
  • Unlimited Workflow Templates: Templates are used to track your Jobs progress.
  • Make as many steps as you need at each Workflow Stage. Create different Workflow Templates with unique workflow Steps for all the different processes in your facility. Here is an example of a Print  Workflow. 
  • Users: Assign individual users to any step within your Workflow Template
  • Scheduling Users: This is a special type of user you leverage to add even more functionality to your job board. ( This is not a user with a password )
  • Tags: Useful in infinite ways, Tags allow you to add information you would use commonly on the fly. shopVOX PRO comes with Embroidery, Vinyl Graphics, Screen Printing, Vehicle Wrap, Sign Panel, and Outsourced Tags. Add, Delete, Rename, and Reorder Tags.
  • Job Board: The shopVOX Pro job board can be customized by you to include all your Running Stages, Workflow Template, Running Steps, Workflow, and Tags.

shopVOX Express VS Pro. Which one is right for you?

The decision is yours and depends on the type of facility you are running. Many users use Express, and it fits perfectly for their needs. Typical use is in one or two-man shops and is on a smaller scale.

Those with more extensive facilities, more users, and more complex jobs, typically gravitate to a system like shopVOX PRO, which is full-featured and robust with a more powerful set of Workflow tools.  shopVOX PRO Workflows are meant for users to create workflows as versatile as the jobs they produce.

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