Key terms explained - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Learn about jobs, workflow templates, products, and more

What is a Job?

Jobs are production items. They’re created from line items on Sales Orders. Your active Jobs are listed on your Job Board.

Example of a Job


  • Screen printing 10 t-shirts
  • Embroidery of 100 hats


  • Making a banner or 10 banners
  • Making a lightbox
  • Installing a lightbox
  • Servicing a sign


  • a box of 500 business cards
  • 2500 brochures


  • Making 10 Plaques

What are the benefits of Jobs?

  • Send proofs to the customer
  • Manage your schedule (employees and equipment)
  • Track time spent by your team on each step in a job
  • Manage production
  • Add notes, tasks, and assets to keep your team organized

What is a Workflow Template?

Your workflow templates are what you use to track production on your jobs. Simply put, your workflow is the outline of everything that needs to be done to produce a job.

Workflow templates allow you to track every step of a job, schedule your employees and machines, and ensure you deliver on time.

Workflow templates help you reduce mistakes by following the same repeatable process for similar jobs.

You should set up workflow templates for the different production processes in your shop.

What is a Product?

Products are the end items that you sell to your customer.

Note: For everyone coming from Quickbooks – products are similar to "Items."

Examples of Products

Design $60 per hour

Banner Stand – 30” x 80” $149 ea

Business Cards - 3.5” x 2”

ACM Sign Panel 48” x 96”Full-Color Digital Print3M IJ35C Vinyl3M 8508 Laminate$450

Banners 13 oz vinyl$5 per sq ft/m

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