Customer Alerts & Flags

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

How to get reminded of critical customer information

In shopVOX, you may have customers who require extra attention due to special billing, proofing, or communication preferences. To ensure that these important instructions are always noticed, you can add an alert pop-up that appears every time you access their estimate, order, work order, job, customer or invoice.

To make it easy for your staff to identify these special circumstances, you can use the "Special Info" section within a customer's profile. If this section is missing, you'll need to make sure that the "Special Info" checkbox is checked in the forms module to unhide it. This will allow you to add any necessary notes or instructions for that customer, which can then be easily accessed by any staff member who works with them.

  1. Select Customers from the top toolbar

  1. Select your customer in the list provided, or use the search box

  1. The customer screen will appear, select the pencil icon to add the alert
  1. Expand the "Notes" section
  1. In "Special Notes" type whatever you'd like as an alert, and click "Update Customer"
  1. Now your Alert is showing at the top of the customer screen

When Will Alerts Show?

Alerts will show for this customer every time one of the following is accessed/opened by a user.

  • Quote
  • Sales Order
  • Invoice
  • When the Customer is Opened

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