Updating a Workflow in shopVOX: A Complete Guide - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

In shopVOX, workflows represent the specific steps required to produce a product. When you create a job from a Sales Order, a workflow is assigned, guiding the sequence of tasks to completion. These workflows appear visually on the Job Board as a column of steps or as text under the "Running Step" column, ensuring production teams can track progress in real-time.

However, there are situations where the initial workflow might need to be changed—perhaps due to a misselection, an update in production requirements, or the introduction of a new workflow that better fits the job. This guide provides a detailed explanation of how to update a workflow effectively, even if the process isn't immediately intuitive.

Why Updating a Workflow Matters

Before diving into the steps, it’s important to understand why updating a workflow is crucial.

  • Accuracy in Production: Ensures the correct sequence of tasks is followed.
  • Efficiency: Prevents confusion or delays caused by incorrect workflows.
  • Flexibility: Allows adjustments to accommodate unique customer or product needs.

By learning to update workflows, you can ensure that production runs smoothly, with all team members aligned on the correct steps.

Step-by-Step Guide: Changing a Workflow in shopVOX

Let’s break down the process into detailed, actionable steps to help you make the change confidently.

Step 1: Locate and Open the Job in Progress

  1. Start by navigating to the Sales Order or the Job Board.
    • If you know the Sales Order containing the job, access it directly from the Sales Order list.
    • Alternatively, locate the job on the Job Board, which displays all active jobs and their current statuses.
  2. Click on the job that needs a workflow update to open its details.

Step 2: Void the Existing Job

Before assigning a new workflow, the current job must be voided to reset its workflow assignment.

  1. Inside the Job Details view, look for the blue action button in the top-right corner of the screen. This button provides options for managing the job.
  2. Select Void from the dropdown menu.
  3. Confirm the action when prompted. Voiding the job removes it from the Job Board and returns you to the associated Sales Order. This step is necessary to prepare the Sales Order for a new job creation.

Step 3: Create a New Job with the Updated Workflow

Once the existing job is voided, you can create a new job with the updated workflow.

  1. From the Sales Order screen, click the Create Job button. This action begins the job creation process.
  2. In the job creation dialog box, you'll see a list of workflows.
    • Select the new workflow that aligns with the updated production requirements.
    • Ensure that the workflow includes the correct steps for this specific product or production scenario.
  3. Complete the job creation process by saving the changes. Once saved:
    • The new workflow is assigned to the job.
    • The job appears on the Job Board with the updated workflow steps displayed visually or as text under the "Running Step" column.

Step 4: Verify the Updated Workflow

After the new job is created, it's a good idea to confirm the changes:

  1. Go back to the Job Board and locate the updated job.
  2. Check the Workflow column or the "Running Step" text to ensure the correct workflow steps are displayed.
  3. Communicate the changes to team members if necessary, ensuring everyone is aware of the updated workflow.

Pro Tips for Managing Workflows

  • Avoid Common Mistakes: Ensure you void the job first; without this step, shopVOX won't allow you to create a new job with a different workflow.
  • Standardize Workflow Names: Use clear and descriptive names for workflows to make selection easier.
  • Leverage Workflow Templates: Create reusable workflow templates for common product types to reduce errors when assigning workflows.
  • Communicate Changes: Always inform relevant team members when workflows are updated, especially if they involve shared tasks.

Summary and Final Thoughts

Updating workflows in shopVOX may not feel intuitive initially, but it’s a straightforward process once you understand the steps:

  1. Open the job and void the existing workflow.
  2. Return to the Sales Order to create a new job.
  3. Select the updated workflow during job creation.
  4. Verify the changes on the Job Board.

Workflows are the backbone of efficient production management. By mastering how to update them, you can ensure that your team stays on track, reduces mistakes, and adapts quickly to changes.

What’s Next?

  • Explore creating custom workflows to better fit your unique production processes.
  • Learn how to automate workflow assignments based on product templates for even greater efficiency.

Still have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out for support or further clarification. Updating workflows is a skill worth perfecting!

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