Product Templates & Formulas Explained - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Before proceeding with this article, please read "How to Turn on a Product Template"

Ensure the Product you are working with has the "Add Product Template" check box selected

Once that is checked, we will focus on the Product Template that appears at the bottom of the screen. Scroll to the bottom, and let's review the options.

The Product Template Contains

  1. Pricing Method
  2. Markup percent
  3. Modifiers
  4. Dropdown Menus
  5. Default Items

A Product Template allows you to create customized functionality to affect the calculated price. You can use built-in system formulas or user-created formulas inside the Product Template to contribute to the overall price of a product. The following explains each part of the Product Template.

Pricing Method

There are several pricing methods common to shopVOX. Below is a brief description of what they are.

Standard Pricing: The final price is calculated based on materials, labor, machine rates, and the individual markup of these components

Product Pricing: The final price is set by you. All other factors such as materials, labor, machine rates, and markup are ignored.

Cost+: The final price will be calculated based on the cost of your materials, labor, and machine rates added to a percentage you priced for Markup Percent. Example:  If material, labor, and machine rates total $100, and you want to mark up this cost by 50%, then your selling price will be $150.00 ($100+50%*$100)

Markup Percent

The percentage you would like to mark your product up by. This only works for Cost +


Create as many modifiers as necessary to contribute to the final price of your product. These modifiers are to be used within your formulas and are filled in by a user in a quote or sales order.

Boolean: A boolean checkbox. For example, a boolean named "Double-Sided" is used for double-sided printing and affects the price when checked.

Numeric: Any numeric value. For example, a numeric named "Number of Colors" states how many colors will print and affects the price by the value entered.

Range: A numeric range of values. For example, a number range named "Number of Boxes" with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10. This allows a user to move a slider to increase the "Number of Boxes" from one to ten and will increase the price accordingly

When used in a Product, a modifier has the option to be optional by check "This Attribute is Optional"
Create as many drop-down menus as necessary that contain materials, labor, or machine rates. Use a drop-down menu's selection in combination with modifiers within your formulas to contribute to the overall price of a product.

Materials: Create drop-down menus allowing users to select materials. The materials selected can be used in a formula that contributes to the overall price.

Labor: Create drop-down menus allowing users to select types of labor on a job. The labor selected can be used in a formula that contributes to the overall price.

Machine Rates: Create drop-down menus allowing users to select types of machine rates on a job. The machine rates selected can be used in a formula that contributes to the overall price.

Default Items

Create additional charges based on materials, labor, or machine rates. Default items are hard-coded charges you add to your product that a user does not select. However, Default items can be affected by modifiers or built-in system formulas.

Materials: Create hard-coded material charges that a user does not select. Default material charges can be used in a formula that contributes to the overall price.

Labor: Create hard-coded labor charges that a user does not select. Default labor charges can be used in a formula that contributes to the overall price.

Machine Rates: Create hard-coded machine rates that a user does not select. Default machine rates can be used in a formula that contributes to the overall price.


There are built-in system formulas and user-created formulas that work with a Product Template to contribute to the overall price of a product. Understanding how formulas work within your pricing template will help you achieve the results you're looking for

System Formulas

System formulas are built into shopVOX and work in conjunction with your product template. You cannot edit a System Formula, but you can select it as an option and work with it inside of your Product Template. The following is a list of system formulas.

Formal Type




























User-Created Formulas

You can use your own formulas instead of the built-in system formulas. You will need to know what it is you would like to calculate and plan for the appropriate Modifiers, Drop-Downs, or Default items.

Example Formulas

The best way to understand how to use the Built-in System or user-created formulas is to see a few examples.

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How to Publish Products - shopVOX Pro

Product Templates - Using System Formulas - shopVOX Pro
