Wed, 07/24/2024 S3 Storage for your assets. Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Approximately 2-3 months ago, we introduced the S3 storage add-on to provide a more efficient and cost-effective storage solution. This feature allows you to manage your own storage on Amazon S3, thereby avoiding excess storage charges on shopVOX. Despite the benefits, only a few shops have implemented this add-on.We strongly recommend adopting the S3 add-on for the following reasons:

  1. Enhanced Control: Gain complete control over your files stored on S3.
  2. Unlimited File Sizes: Upload files of any size without restrictions.
  3. Versatile File Formats: Store various file formats beyond the limitations of shopVOX storage.
  4. Cost Efficiency: Eliminate additional charges for exceeding storage limits on shopVOX.

For detailed instructions on setting up the S3 add-on, please refer to this document: Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service shopVOX Add-On.Please be advised that shopVOX is not intended to serve as a primary storage service. To discourage excessive use of shopVOX storage beyond the set limits, we will be significantly increasing the excess storage charges in the coming months.We encourage you to adopt the S3 add-on promptly. The setup process is seamless, and once configured, your usage experience will remain unchanged, with files being stored in your own S3 bucket instead of shopVOX.Email to get this enabled to your account.

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