How to Price Digitizing - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Digitizing is usually a one-time fee added to a transaction when you have to prepare a logo or design for embroidery. A lot of embroiderers outsource digitizing and it can be priced in dozens of ways. Because most jobs are either left chests or hat fronts, we use a simple, flat price-based method for digitizing.

Adding Digitizing to Transactions

Got some digitizing you need to add for this order? Here's how to add it to a transaction.

  1. On the quote, sales order, or invoice, click Add New Item
  2. Search for Digitizing or just select it from the Product dropdown
  3. Adjust the quantity. Usually it would just be 1 unless there are multiple designs to digitize.
  4. Add a description so your customer will know what digitizing is for. (optional)
    You might include the number of stitches or any other info you think they'll need.
  5. You can manually change the standard price by using Override Price. (optional)
    1. Click the Expand Pricing button.
    2. Check Override Price
    3. Enter in the new Unit Price you'd like to charge.
  6. Click Save This Line Item

Adjusting Pricing for Digitizing

Want to charge more or less than our standard digitizing fee? Here's how to adjust the pricing for it.

  1. Go to the Settings page
  2. Click Products
  3. Find and click on Digitizing in your products list.
  4. Click the Configure button
  5. Set the Price you'd like to charge per design / logo that is digitized.
  6. Click Update Product.

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