Uploading and Sending Proofs for Approval - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

shopVOX offers an intuitive solution for efficiently managing proofs, revisions, and customer approvals. This guide is designed to walk you through the process of uploading proofs to a job and seamlessly delivering them to your customers. Let's begin this journey toward enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction!

It's crucial to note that there are two methods for sending proofs for approval. One method involves sending proofs per line item, while the other allows for sending the entire order in one submission. It's highly recommended to thoroughly review the entire document to grasp the comprehensive capabilities of our system.

Configuring Your Job Board for Proofing

While optional, this step can greatly enhance your workflow efficiency. The shopVOX Job Board offers remarkable flexibility, allowing you to customize views according to your specific preferences. In this example, I've established a "Proofing View" to streamline proofing processes. While maintaining the Job Board's existing layout for consistency, I've incorporated additional fields such as "Current Proof Status," "Proof Version," and "Approved Proof At." These enhancements provide real-time updates on proofing details, ensuring seamless monitoring and management of the proofing stage.

To enable the desired column, navigate to the "Configure Columns" icon. From there, you can select the specific column you wish to activate.

Uploading a Proof to a line item

  1. To access a job from your Job Board, simply navigate to the Jobs icon located at the top of the interface. From there, select the desired job name from the list displayed. This action will open the job, granting you access to its details and functionalities.
  2. Once you've accessed the job , you'll find all the necessary details to progress the job through production. Next, click on the blue "Add Proof" button. Select the file from your computer or storage server.
    1. Open or Drag and Drop the file, click "Upload" and save the changes. This action will seamlessly integrate the proof into the job's workflow, facilitating efficient progress tracking and management.
  3. Your proof has been successfully uploaded to the job screen! Scroll down to the Proofs section, where you'll find a small thumbnail displaying your proof. The subsequent step involves sending it off to your customer for review and approval.

Sending Single Line Item Proofs to Customers for Approval

  1. Your proof is now prepared for dispatch. Just click the blue "Send V1 For Review" button to initiate the email feature within shopVOX. Here, you can select your recipient (or add a new one), choose from pre-made email templates, and send off the proof for review. For further insights into customizing your email messages, refer to our tutorial on - Created Canned Message Templates for Your Team to Use.
    You'll notice that you have a few icons at your disposal. These icons enable you to manually approve or decline the proof, resend the proof via email, or access additional options via the blue action icon. These functionalities empower you to efficiently manage and navigate the proofing process according to your requirements.
  2. Choosing "Send Review Email" will prompt the display of the "Send Review Email" screen. Here, you can input your information, then click "Send" to dispatch the proof to the customer.
  3. You can review what was sent by click on the "Version 1" drop down, allowing you to see the Proof history
  4. If you have it setup, the Job Board will reflect that a Proof has went out for Approval

Receiving a Proof: The Customer's View

  1. Your customer will receive an email resembling this:
  2. Within the email your customer will receive a link allowing them to view, approve, or request changes to the proof online. These interactive features seamlessly integrate with your proof in shopVOX, enabling thorough tracking of customer engagement. Below is an example of what your customer will encounter upon clicking "Click Here to Review the Proof"
  3. On this screen, your customer has the option to utilize the "+" and "-" magnification buttons to zoom in and out of the proof, facilitating a closer examination of design details. Additionally, they can download the proof, approve the layout, or request changes and provide comments directly within the interface. This user-friendly interface empowers your customers to engage with the proofing process effectively, ensuring clarity and satisfaction with the final product.
  4. Upon receiving activity from the proofing link, your shopVOX screen will automatically update to reflect the new data. If your customer has approved the proof, you will observe an "approved" stamp. Take a moment to review the activity history provided, which is conveniently date and time-stamped. This detailed log enables you and your team to track the customer's interactions, including when and how often they accessed the link. Utilize the blue actions icon to access additional options for managing the proof. With the proof now approved, you can seamlessly proceed to the next step in production with confidence.
  5. On the Job Board you will be able to see the Proof information updated in real time
  6. Should the customer request changes to the proof, simply follow the same steps to upload a second revision. Once uploaded, proceed to email version 2 of the proof to your customer for their review and approval. This iterative process ensures that customer feedback is seamlessly incorporated, ultimately leading to a satisfactory outcome.

In the described process, users upload proofs for each line item of the order individually, enabling them to send approval emails for each line item as separate emails. However, if you wish to send all line item proofs contained within one email approval, please continue reading to discover how to execute this action.

Sending Multiple Line Item Proofs to Customers for Approval

The process for sending multiple line items begins similarly to the instructions above. For each line item, you will need to add a proof, which will be sent to a customer for approval. Building upon the previous steps, I have now added proofs for items 1, 2, and 3. You can observe this illustrated on the Job Board.

  1. Job Board View
    1. Banner 1 Proof
    2. Banner 2 Proof
    3. Banner 3 Proof
  2. To send proofs from the Sales Order, navigate to the Sales Order dropdown menu located on the top left corner.
  3. Now Select the blue action button and select "Send Review Email"
  4. Fill in your email details, click send

    Receiving Multiple Proof's: The Customer's View

    From the Customer side, it is much the same as the above instructions, however instead of seeing one proof they will now see all the proofs you had sent

The Customer simply goes through each approval, and as they mark them approved you will see the update on your Job Board

In conclusion, the ability to send single or multiple items to a customer for approval and witness their status reflected in real-time on the job board is an invaluable asset. This proofing system streamlines the communication process, enhances efficiency, and ensures accuracy throughout the workflow. With seamless integration and comprehensive tracking capabilities, it provides a user-friendly experience for both businesses and customers alike. Embracing this system underscores the commitment to delivering high-quality products and services while fostering stronger relationships with clients.

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