How to create Partial Invoices - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Some of the projects you work on may require Partial Invoicing. The Partial Invoicing feature allows you to create multiple invoices for one Sales order.

Contact our chat support team or email to turn the Partial Invoicing feature on in your PRO account. Once activated, your Invoice numbers will no longer match your Sales Order Numbers.

How Partial Invoicing Works

From any Sales Order with multiple line items that you wish to partially invoice

  1. Select a Sales Order, and review it for the items you wish to Partially Invoice

  1. From the Actions Menu, select "To Invoice"
  2. Select the line items you wish to Partially Invoice, from the Convert Sales Order Screen, then click "Convert to Invoice"
  3. Examine your Partial Invoice, before you send it to your Customer
  4. To continue, click the Related Tab then Click the Sales Order number
  5. Your Sales order will Open back up again
  6. Repeat the process from above and select the Actions Menu and convert to Invoice for the remaining items on the Sales Order that need to be partially invoiced.
  7. Choose whatever line items you wish to be in the partial Invoice. You will see all the invoices in the Related tab

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