Product Templates - How to Turn on a Product Template - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

"Add Product Template", allows you to add functionality and customize the Products that are created in shopVOX.

  1. From the top toolbar select Settings
  1. On the side menu, select Products
  1. Select +Add New Product, or Click the Pencil icon on a product you would like to edit.
    For this example, we will +Add New Product

  1. Select "Create a Custom Product"
You can add a Product Template to any existing product. You can also add a Product Template to any of the products in Signage, Apparel, or Commercial printing. This demonstration uses "Create a Custom Product"

  1. From the Add New Custom Product screen, fill in your details for Product Name, Interface, Type, and Category. Make sure to select your Income and COG account.
    Leave the Cost, Markup, and Price unfilled. We will use the Product Template to generate the price
    Then click "Save Product"
  1. After you click save, the product you created will appear in the list.
    Select the Pencil icon to the right of your product and let's create the "Product Template"
  1. On the Edit Product screen, there is a checkbox to "Add Product Template"
  1. Click the Check box to "Add Product Template"
  1. A Blank Product template will appear at the bottom of your screen, scroll down to examine it.
  1. The Product Template contains
  • Pricing Method
  • Markup percent
  • Modifiers
  • Dropdown Menus
  • Default Items

You can leverage these areas to create the functionality within your product.

Please read "Product Templates & Formulas Explained", to continue this process.

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