Custom PDF in shopVOX - shopVOX Pro

Tyler MacDonald Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Some customers want to use their own layout for the PDF documents generated within shopVOX. For instance, you have a certain layout for your invoice and you want to retain that to keep your customer experience the same for your customers. Or you would like to rearrange the Work order document so it is familiar to your production team and has all the data that the 'old' system has.

We do not have any features like Quickbooks - where you can customize and add fields, etc. ... but we can create one for you!

All the PDF templates are hand-coded by our team - and we offer this as a service.

Turnaround: 5 - 7 Business Days

Here is how the Implementation of custom PDFs work. 

  1. Customers have to provide their requirements in detail via email/ chat. 
  • The number of PDF documents to customize.
  • The number of changes in standard shopVOX PDFs. 
  • Any example/mock-up PDFs that you would like to share.                   
  1. The charge for Custom PDF is $250 per PDF document. Example: If you wanted to add a custom layout for the Quote PDF and the Invoice PDF - that would be $500 total.
  2. It takes five to seven business days to implement any new layout. However, we will do our best in processing your request sooner.
  3. The number of revisions to customize pdfs is limited to only two times, which means you will provide us with the requirements on your initial emails, and we will show you the mock Pdfs. After you give us a green signal, we will implement them live on your account. In case you have a few more changes or tweaks needed on the same custom Pdf documents in less than a week, which is a rare circumstance and we are happy to work on those changes without any charges and after approval - we will add those PDF documents live to your shopVOX account. 
  4. If the revisions exceed more than twice as mentioned above (4), then we will charge you an hourly rate of $100/Hr with a minimum of 2 hours. 
  5. There are limitations with fonts, as of now, we can implement only the below fonts.
  • Default ( shopVOX standard PDF ) 
  • Arial 
  • Dejavu Sans 
  • Arvo
  • Titillium web 
  1. If the changes are complicated - there will be more charges ( which will be accessed by our product manager ) since it takes more hours to customize PDFs. 
  2. If you'd like to proceed - you can just send the mock-up to and copy Be sure to include the name of your company.

What If you would like to remove one line of text / change three words on the PDF / remove the sales tax from a PDF. Do you still have to pay for a Custom PDF?

Yes, because of the time involved in the development, testing, and uploading of Custom PDFs on your account no matter what is changed. Make sure you get all the changes you want - so you’ll get the most value from the service.

Sample PDFs

Here are some samples we have done for customers in the past.

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