Quoting and Order Management - shopVOX Pro

Adding/Updating Customers and Contacts - shopVOX Pro

A Customer in shopVOX is typically a company or organization, but can be an individual if that individual is not associated with a company or organization. A Contact in shopVOX is someone who works f…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Purchase Orders - How to Add Materials and Products to a Purchase Order in shopVOX PRO for the Inventory Add-on - shopVOX Pro

Purchase orders play a crucial role in managing inventory and ensuring a smooth workflow for businesses. In shopVOX PRO, the process of adding materials and products to a purchase order is simple and…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Stay Organized with Notes, Tasks, and Assets - shopVOX Pro

Communicating effectively with your team in a busy shop is essential to ensure customer orders are processed efficiently and accurately. Our goal is to help you reduce mistakes and miscommunication.…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Roll-Up Line Items to Combine Pricing - shopVOX Pro

The Roll-Up feature allows you to combine two or more line items together on the PDFs, so that the pricing will not show as itemized. Roll-Up is available on Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices. How t…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Purchasing and Receiving Blank Garments - shopVOX Pro

Purchase Orders (POs) are documents sent from you, as the buyer, to a vendor with a request for outsourced items such as blank garments. Purchase Orders in shopVOX allow you to track their status and…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Creating Your Own Custom Views - shopVOX Pro

Types of Views. The job board offers multiple types of views to cater to different needs: List Views 1 Line. 2 Lines - More time to load.. Card Views. Calendar Views. Performance and Data Loading. Sw…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

How to Issue Refunds and Credit Memos - shopVOX Pro

When a customer has made a payment for a purchase, but due to certain circumstances, they are entitled to receive their money back, a refund is issued. This process involves returning the actual amou…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald
