2024 Whats New
Mon, 10/07/2024 Enhancement in Task Pro & Express
Now, we have added a Task template. Using this we can add a predefined message and able to select it while creating a task.You can add a Task Template from: 1. Task > Add Task > Task Template > Add N…
Thu, 05/16/2024 Quick Tip: Ability to copy Material/Product Names in Purchase Order Line Items Pro
When you access the Purchase Order section and initiate the process of adding a new line item, you'll notice a significant improvement.Specifically, when you're in the stage of selecting a material o…
Tue, 10/08/2024 New feature added: Task templates to prefill repeated Tasks Pro & Express
We have add a new option for Tasks!You can create task templates that will prefill the title and description of the task. This is great for creating a task checklist or even as simply as not having t…
Tue, 09/24/2024 New update! Connect to your ShipStation account! Pro
We have added a NEW integration with ShipStation !You can now connect to your ShipStation account and manage all your shipping fulfillment orders from there. All that is required is to connect your a…
Wed, 08/07/2024 Enhancing Dropdown Menus for Material Search Pro
As of now, we can just search with the name of material. We are excited to announce the addition of search options by SKU and Part number.Note: SkU and Part number are setup in the materialCurrent Fu…
Mon, 04/29/2024 Added a new link directly on the Home screen to navigate Reports
We've added a new link directly on the Home screen to navigate Reports. By clicking on the Home Button, you'll find the Reports link. Previously, the reports were located under the My VOX screen.
Mon, 07/29/2024 Ability to enter Ft and Inches vs just Inches. Pro
For the US/Canada customers - you have been asking for a while the ability to enter dimensions in Ft & Inches if possible - now we added a way to configure that for your shop.If you have formula as A…
Wed, 06/05/2024 Added a new addition to the Products called 'Published'. Pro & Express
If your products are in the process of being built and are only halfway done or being tested, they are considered as Drafts. These products will not appear directly in transactions when adding line i…
Mon, 04/22/2024 Option to conceal Costs and Markup for apparel items when adding line items
By default, we display costs and markups when adding apparel line items. However, an issue arises when certain stores provide quotes to customers while they're viewing the screen, and they prefer not…
Sun, 10/27/2024 Role-Based Permissions for Editing or Overriding Line Item Costs(Unit Cost) Pro
We have introduced a new permissions feature allowing users with specific roles to edit or override costs directly on line items. This ensures that only authorized team members can adjust costs, enha…
Wed, 11/27/2024 Apparel images on customer PDF? Show or Don't show! Pro
We recently add a new Flag in your setting to allow you to Show or Not Show the apparel item images on the Customer PDF. You can find this setting by going to: Settings > Documents > PDF settings sec…
Fri, 10/04/2024 New Apparel catalog available for US/CAN accounts! Pro & Express
We have added a new apparel vendor catalog to US/CAN region accounts! ASColor.. If you use this vendor, you can now search their database within shopVOX; just like our other catalogs.Go to Settings >…
Tue, 05/21/2024 Added New Email Template Tag: {{txn_downpayment}} Pro & Express
We are pleased to introduce a new feature to your email templates within ShopVox. Feature Update: You can now use the {{txn_downpayment}} tag in both the subject line and the body of your email templ…
Wed, 05/01/2024 Daily Tip - Add shopVOX email id's as contacts!
We send 10000s of emails every day and some times your ISP/Email provider is overly cautious and is very strict about the emails and maybe ending up in your spam. To avoid this, when you get an email…
Tue, 11/26/2024 Track Partially Fulfilled Apparel items on a Sales Order. Pro
Introducing a powerful new feature: Tracking Partially Fulfilled Items for Apparel. This feature allows you to clearly monitor how many items have been fulfilled for your customer, keeping your order…
Thu, 11/14/2024 We added a new valuable Update in Pricing templates! Pro
We’ve addd a new update to our pricing that may seem minor, but it brings significant value!You now have the ability to make Modifiers required in your Pricing templates. This kind of enforcement ens…
Wed, 05/15/2024 Enhanced Notification System: In-app Alert for Proof Uploaded Pro & Express
When Avalara enabled earlier, we used sync taxes to State tax, now we changed it to Avalara-Tax. The sales tax showing as a separate line item! With clear description like "Sales Tax calculated by Av…
Wed, 07/24/2024 S3 Storage for your assets. Pro
Approximately 2-3 months ago, we introduced the S3 storage add-on to provide a more efficient and cost-effective storage solution. This feature allows you to manage your own storage on Amazon S3, the…
Tue, 07/02/2024 Implemented the "Board Feet" Formula within the shopVOX Product System. Pro
To elevate the functionality of the shopVOX product system, we have integrated a new calculation method known as "Board Feet".Background: Board Feet is a traditional measurement unit in the lumber in…
Sat, 08/10/2024 Australia/New Zealand regional Golden Products have been updated! Pro & Express
We have updated the Australia/New Zealand regional Golden Products. Some customers noted that the interface for the Signage Products were not consistent with the same Job complexity options. NOTE: If…
Mon, 04/15/2024 Ability to import payments from Xero to shopVOX
Now you should be able to import payments from Xero to Shopvox.To Import Payments from Xero you need to Go to Settings >> Accounting >> Click On Import data from Xero If your Xero is having any payme…
Wed, 06/05/2024 Tasks, notes, and assets associated with a quote to sales order to invoice will now be displayed in the Related Assets section. Pro & Express
If your products are in the process of being built and are only halfway done or being tested, they are considered as Drafts. These products will not appear directly in transactions when adding line i…
Thu, 05/09/2024 Dynamic Customer Identification in PDFs
When entering text into fields like "Quote For," "Sales Order For," or "Invoice To," that information replaces the customer's name in the PDF's "ordered by" section. For example, if a customer named…
Fri, 05/17/2024 Job Board Overview and Best Practices Pro & Express
Job Board Overview and Best Practices Types of Views The job board offers multiple types of views to cater to different needs: List Views 1 Line. 2 Lines - More time to load.. Card Views. Calendar Vi…
Tue, 11/05/2024 2FA - Two Factor Authentication is now active (Optional) Pro & Express
We have added an additional layer of security to your account.BUT! It is optional , so don't fret if you don't want to add this. The benefit is to prevent other Users from accessing your login withou…
Tue, 10/29/2024 Enhancement to the online proofing feature. Pro & Express
When you send proof for customer review and when customers choose the "request changes" option, they can leave comments and attach files using the "browse files" option.This allows you to better unde…
Fri, 07/19/2024 Included in the reporting are two new reports: 1. Quotes with Line Items, and 2. Sales Orders with Line Items. Pro
We've introduced two new reports in our reporting section: Quotes with Line Items. Sales Orders with Line Items. These reports are similar to the Invoices with Line Items report, and we've also inclu…
Thu, 08/08/2024 Microsoft Outlook - Two Factor Authentication Pro & Express
We have recently implement the oAuth for your smtp emails. Details about this in this doc.
Wed, 05/15/2024 Avalara enabled Stores Changed the way of tax syncing to QBO
When Avalara enabled earlier, we used sync taxes to State tax, now we changed it to Avalara-Tax. The sales tax showing as a separate line item! With clear description like "Sales Tax calculated by Av…
Fri, 01/24/2025 Highlighted feature: Quote Review and online approval Pro
We recently turned on a flag for all Pro accounts in Setting > Transactions > Quotes section > " Online Quote Review By Customer "This feature has been available for years, but this may not have been…
Fri, 09/06/2024 Allow Line Item Taxable Override Pro & Express
We have enabled the ability to toggle if a line item is taxable or not in your settings.Go to Settings > Transactions > and under General at the very top you will see this setting.Allow Line Item Tax…
Fri, 05/31/2024 Added another PDF for Invoice Statements: Aging Summary PDF. Pro & Express
Now you can use one or the other Invoice Statements PDF should be in landscape mode.Go to Dash Board >> Reports>> Invoices Statements >> Actions >> To Aging Summary PDF. In this PDF you will see cust…
Tue, 08/20/2024 Pro tip: Controlling and protecting access to your customer and transaction data! Pro
You can limit a User's ability to download your customer or transaction database to a CSV or XLS file. This is managed in Settings >> Team >> Roles. Select a Role and scroll down to the General secti…
Mon, 10/28/2024 New Permission setting! Pro
We have added a new permission setting in Roles for your Team Users. In the Roles section, we have added an option to allow the Line item cost to be Editable or just Visible. This will help prevent a…
Fri, 10/18/2024 eCommerce feature update: There have been recent Apparel Webstore improvements Pro
Please note: This is a long post of improvements on the Apparel webstore, based on feedback from Users like you.Here is a short list and then details below of each of new element.1. Countdown counter…
Wed, 10/16/2024 Announcement: Another new US Apparel catalog available! Pro & Express
New Apparel Catalog We have added a new US based apparel catalog to the Catalog section! Augusta Sportswear Brands To set this up, go to Settings > Catalogs and click on the Augusta option. Click Ena…
Thu, 05/30/2024 “Mastering Customer Proof Reviews: Unveiling the Dollar Value Flag” Feel free to use or modify it as needed! 😊📝 Pro & Express
We’ve recently introduced a handy new feature: a flag that allows you to toggle the display of the Line item(job’s)amount during customer proof reviews.ie Settings>>Workflow>> Proof Approval>> "Show…
Wed, 11/06/2024 Colors: there is a new way to save colors! Pro & Express
We have added a new way to set up Colors in your account. These can be used in Jobs, Tags, Statuses & Workflow templates and any other place we have the Color selector interface available.You can now…
Mon, 09/16/2024 Express & Pro webinar articles Pro & Express
Webinar recordings resource Have you registered for one of our webinars and missed it? Or want to review ones we have done in the past? We have compiled these into an article for both the Express ver…
Wed, 08/28/2024 Update: The Purchase Order State will automatically change from Draft to Ordered once the Vendor Order ID is eneterd on the PO. Pro & Express
Open any Purchase Order in Draft State and enter the Vendor Order ID. The status will automatically update to Ordered.
Thu, 04/25/2024 Added Missing Email PDF types in SO level while sending emails
Now we can able to handle Spl charges like Setup/shipping/Misc/finance charges through SO APIwe added below attributes in SO API so that we can able to handle them while creating, showing and updatin…
Thu, 05/02/2024 Quick Tip: Within each user profile, there's a setting to toggle between Full Screen Mode and Fixed Layout.
Each user profile includes an option to switch between two UI Layout settings: Full Width and Fixed. Opting for Full Width fills all the gaps and displays the text across the entire screen.
Fri, 11/08/2024 Download option for AI Template and PDF Template for Vehicle Wrap Products Pro
Now, we have added the option to download the AI Template and PDF Template for Vehicle Wrap Products Once the Vehicle Wrap Product is added as a Line Item, you can see the option to down the AI Templ…
Tue, 07/02/2024 Introducing the "Total_Area" Formula in ShopVOX! Pro
To elevate the functionality of the shopVOX product system, we have integrated a new calculation method known as "Board Feet".Background: Board Feet is a traditional measurement unit in the lumber in…
Fri, 07/26/2024 Update: New option for measurements on a Product. Now you can enter Feet and Inches, instead of just Inches. Pro
We're excited to introduce a new feature designed to streamline your transaction management!You can now enable the 'Hide Ordered Client Orders' flag under transaction settings. When this feature is a…
Fri, 05/31/2024 Quick Tip: What does the yellow color indicate on a job board? Pro & Express
Now you can use one or the other Invoice Statements PDF should be in landscape mode.Go to Dash Board >> Reports>> Invoices Statements >> Actions >> To Aging Summary PDF. In this PDF you will see cust…
Mon, 02/10/2025 Ability to change the workflow on a job without deleting the job Pro
We have recently introduced the ability to modify the workflow of existing jobs.Previously, it wasn’t possible to change the workflow of an ongoing or active job; the only option was to delete the jo…
Mon, 04/22/2024 Added the JB# in all the Job related reports
In the List of jobs related reports listed below, we added Job# Column To See the Job# in jobs reports you need to enable it in the table configuration
Tue, 06/04/2024 Added Fulfilment Type Column on the Order Board. Pro
Now you can Enable Fulfillment Type Column under Configure Columns and filter Orders based on the Fulfillment Type on the Order Board.
Thu, 04/25/2024 Ability to handle Spl charges like setup/shipping/Misc/finance charges through SO API
Now we can able to handle Spl charges like Setup/shipping/Misc/finance charges through SO APIwe added below attributes in SO API so that we can able to handle them while creating, showing and updatin…
Fri, 02/28/2025 Payment Gateway link: Ability to turn the flag off by default when emailing customer Pro
We have add a new flag that will turn off the 'Include Link for Payment' when emailing a customers. This was a request from a few customers to not have this flag automatically checked. To change this…
Thu, 10/17/2024 Enhancements in Materials: Upload the Material Pictures on the Show Overview Only Screen. Pro
To upload the image on the materials, go to Settings >> Pricing >> Materials List >> Click on the name of the material >> Click on Choose File and upload the image.
Mon, 09/09/2024 Restrict Users to add/change the Discounts on the Line Item of the Transactions Pro
We have now added the Flag under Roles to either View or Edit the Discounts on the Line Item of the Transaction. Go to the Settings >> Teams >> Roles: Team ‒ shopVOX. Select the Roles now and scroll…
Tue, 04/23/2024 Ability to add "external name" field on the labor rates.
Just like materials have "External Name" so that you do not divulge the complete details of a material, this name will be used in the PDFs that are sent to end customers. This is optional field. It w…
Thu, 04/25/2024 Added functionality to restrict the users with IP addresses
Now we can able to handle Spl charges like Setup/shipping/Misc/finance charges through SO APIwe added below attributes in SO API so that we can able to handle them while creating, showing and updatin…
Fri, 07/26/2024 Added Hide Ordered Client Orders flag under Transaction Settings. Pro
We're excited to introduce a new feature designed to streamline your transaction management!You can now enable the 'Hide Ordered Client Orders' flag under transaction settings. When this feature is a…
Tue, 10/22/2024 Send iCal Email for Service Jobs in Tasks section Pro
This new feature allows users to send an iCal email to anyone on the contacts list of a customer directly from Tasks sections in the Service Jobs. When scheduling tasks, users can ensure that the end…
Wed, 08/28/2024 Enhancement in New Customer page Pro & Express
Open any Purchase Order in Draft State and enter the Vendor Order ID. The status will automatically update to Ordered.
Mon, 05/13/2024 Disabled Adding custom line item to Non Admin Users
We added Restriction to adding custom line item to non admin users,If any User is allowed to add custom line items Admin/Owner can enable this by navigating to Settings >> Teams >> Roles (Select the…